'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
“Being part of the BNA means I’m connected with all things neuroscience. By that I don’t only mean news and events and access to bursaries. As a member I get a say in the future of neuroscience in the UK. It’s important to me that I’m integral to a movement for positive change.”
“Why did I join BNA? I want to be part of a neuroscience hub, for sharing best practice, for calling for changes, for ensuring neuroscience has the networks, connections and credible pathways that will ultimately benefit society.”
Examples of ways that BNA membership can grow your enjoyment of neuroscience and develop your career:
Heavily reduced fees for BNA events, including the Festivals of Neuroscience
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Boost your early career by being part of the UK's thriving neuroscience community, accessing world-leading events and CPD, networking and publishing opportunities, and grants and bursaries.
Individuals are eligible for Early Career Researcher membership for the first five years following completion of their highest degree (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) or, for clinicians, the first five years following completion of F2, or for clinical psychologists, the first five years after starting a Professional Doctorate or work as a Clinical Psychologist. After five years early career members are welcomed to progress into either Full, Full (Industry) or Associate membership. Please contact us as you approach your renewal date to inform us of your new career status so that we can assist your transition into the most appropriate new category.
Please note that Early Career Researcher membership can only be obtained once and cannot be applied should a member return to full time education after time as an early career member.
Our core membership benefits for early career members are listed below.
Early Career Researcher members may be able to benefit from the Research Group Membership Scheme, which allows Full Members to give up to nine members of their research team reduced-fee subscriptions with the BNA, giving them extended access to bursaries, reduced meeting fees, membership of FENS, and more. Ask your group leader if they are a member of the BNA, and whether you can get your membership for a reduced fee.
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