Sponsors, supporters & exhibitors

We would be delighted work with your organisation for the BNA Festival of Neuroscience - one of the largest international gathering of neuroscientists in Europe in 2017. Please download the following documents for more information: 


We  are hugely grateful for the support of The Wellcome Trust, and welcome The Physiological Society as our Festival Partner for BNA2017.  We are also delighted to be working with all our Partner Societies.


Silver sponsors


Bronze sponsors




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We are extremely grateful for support from the following companies and organisations:

Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, University of Cambridge


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A large trade exhibition will take place during the BNA2017 Festival of Neuroscience. If your company is interested in exhibiting then please use the following links to secure your space:

Exhibition floor plan - Click here to view live availability.


Confirmed exhibitors

Company Stand no.  
2B Scientific Ltd 59
Abcam 22  
Alzheimer's Research UK 13
Andor Technology 19
Ant Neuro UK 47
Aston University 4
Baker Ruskinn 21
Biochemical Society 3
BioLegend 7
Bio-Techne 40
BioTekna Biomedical Technologies 44
BMG Labtech Ltd 60
British Neuro-oncology Society and British Neuroscience Association 2
British Neuroscience Association, Neuroscience Ireland, and Careers Booth B

British Pharmacological Society 27
Cambridge Electronic Design Ltd 65
Cardiff University D
Cell Signaling Technology 10

Cellular Dynamics International 5
CNI Laser 16
Cisbio Bioassays 15
Data Sciences International 23
Digitimer Limited 38
Domainex 55
Elsevier 35
Enzo Life Sciences 31
FENS - Federation of European Neuroscience Societies 20
Fujifilm Visualsonics 45
Harvard Biosciences 42
Hello Bio 14

Innova Biosciences 48
InterFocus Fine Science Tools 25
Jinga-hi Inc 24
Lablogic Systems Ltd 58
Lafayette Campden Neuroscience 63
LI-COR Biosciences 39
Mavig GmbH Viva Scope Systems 26
MaxWell Biosystems 62
Micro Control Instruments Ltd 8
Miltenyi Biotec Ltd 11
MIT Press 6
MQ: Transforming Mental Health 52
Multi Channel Systems 57

Neurotar Ltd


Noldus Information Technology

OpenVivo Ltd 1
Oxford Neuroscience C
Phenosys 50

The Physiological Society

Festival Partner

Plexon 64
Precision NanoSystems Inc 36
Proteintech Europe 61
Rogue Resolutions 34
The Royal Society Publishing 32

Sandown Scientific 56


Thorlabs Ltd 43

UGO Basile SRL 41
University of Birmingham F
Vector Laboratories Ltd 53
Viewpoint Behaviour Technology 49
Wellcome Trust A
Wisepress 28-30
World Precision Instruments 12
Zantiks 46
Zeiss 17

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