BNA Festive Symposium sponsorship £350 + VAT
We warmly invite your organisation to sponsor our annual seasonal symposium, 'Ding Dong Merrily on AI', which this year takes place on Monday 13th December online. Full details about the event can be found here.
The full sponsorship package includes:
- One-off opportunity to email opted-in event delegates
- Logo, profile and website hyperlink on BNA event page
- Logo on supporter slide to be shown during the event
- Acknowledgment from the BNA President as a supporter during the event
- Quarter page advert in the Spring 2022 printed and digital version of the BNA's flagship publication, the BNA Bulletin, which is mailed out to our membership of over and beyond (r.r.p £275)
- One month website banner which is shown on the home page and all subsidiary pages of the BNA website, with a click-through to a hyperlink of your choice
- Mention as a supporter and link to website in email to delegates
All for £350 + VAT!
Get in touch at office@bna.org.uk to book your place as a supporter