BNA Meetings Secretary

Closing Date
31 Dec 2017
Honorary position (unremunerated)
4 years

The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) is inviting applications from individuals to take on the role of BNA Meetings Secretary.

The BNA Meetings Secretary is a prestigious role with a high level of responsibility for delivering the flagship meeting of the BNA, the biennial Festival of Neuroscience.  BNA Festivals take place in odd years (2013, 2015, 2017 etc) alternating with the FENS Forum in intervening years.  Now attracting 1500+ delegates, 200+ speakers, 60-80 exhibitors and a genuinely international audience, the festivals are a major event in the neurosicence caldendar.

An overview of the BNA2017 Festival can be seen at  

The next Festival, BNA2019, is taking place in Dublin 14-17 April 2019.  The Meetings Secretary must be free during the Festival itself, in the immediate run-up to the Festival, and have sufficent time to lead the crucial process of reviewing and selecting sympsosia during February-April 2018, plus reviewing and selecting poster abstracts December 2018 - January 2019. 

The Role of Meetings Secretary

The Meetings Secretary is a BNA member appointed to the role by the Trustees (Rule 3.5.6).  The Meetings Secretary attends meetings of Council but does not have voting rights (Rule 3.1.6.) instead reporting and acting as an advisor on matters relating to meetings of the BNA, chiefly the Biennial Festival of Neuroscience.

As with all voluntary roles, this is an unremunerated position. The term of office is usually four years, with the retirement date being that of the next Annual General Meeting to take place following the completion of four years in office.  There is the option of completing a second term. For full details of governance applying to this role, see the Articles and Rules of Association.

The Meetings Secretary is expected to take the lead on:

  • the biennial BNA Festival of Neuroscience: working with the BNA Chief Executive (CE), BNA President, Executive Officer, any externally contracted Professional Conference Organiser and the Conference Centre staff in order to organise the Festival
  • Chairing the BNA Festival of Neuroscience Programme Organising Committee consisting of representatives from Festival Partner Societies, member of the BNA Council and Committee, and leading figures from across all fields in the neuroscience community
  • Peer review of abstracts for poster and oral communications at any BNA meeting
  • Overseeing the timetabling of the scientific programme for the Festival
  • Working alongside the BNA Engagement and Education Committee member for the public events at the Festival
  • Working alongside the BNA CE and Professional Conference Organiser to help identify sponsors and donors for the Festival
  • Identifying good topics/formats and speakeres for other BNA meetings, including but not limited to the annual Christmas Symposium and a new, regular translational neuroscience meetings, which meet members’ needs and also contribute financially to the BNA
  • reporting on meeting related activities to the Council at quarterly Council meetings
  • reporting on meetings to the members via the Trustees’ Annual Report


The BNA Meetings Secretary is a prestigious role with a high level of responsibility for delivering a scientifically and financially successful Festival of Neuroscience. However they would be working closely with the BNA Chief Executive, President and President-Elect, and be supported in all activities by BNA office staff and any externally appointed Professional Conference Organiser.

Application proccedure

If you are interested in this post, please send the following to

  1. Brief CV, highlighting any relevant experience
  2. A statement describing why you would be good for the role
  3. The name of a referee to support your application  

Further Information

To discuss the Festival of Neuroscience in more detail and what this role might entail, please contact the BNA CE ( 

The post holder must be a member of the BNA. If they are not already a member, they must join on applying.

All BNA members should be familiar with the Association’s Articles and Rules.  See