'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
Elibible candidates are invited to register to stand for election for the Student and Early Career Representative - see role description.
This position is a member of the BNA’s National Advisory Committee (‘the Committee’). The purpose of the BNA Committee is to represent different demographics and interests within the Association’s membership, and to use their skills and experience to provide information and advice to the Council.
Please see below for:
(1) Conditions that apply to this position
(2) Nomination and election procedure
(3) Further important information
Once you have read all the below please register your candidacy by filling out the online form. If you have any questions please contact anne.cooke@bna.org.uk.
Term of office: Four years, with the retirement date being that of the next Annual General Meeting to take place following the completion of four years in office. There is the option of standing for a second term.
Meetings: The BNA Committee meets twice a year, in March/April and September/October. Holding this post therefore entails attending meetings on two days per year.
Remuneration: Committee positions are unremunerated. Reasonable costs of attending Committtee meetings are covered. Registration fees to attend scientific meetings are not normally covered, according to the BNA's policy on conference attendance by Council and Committee members (policy available on request).
Eligibility: Nominees need to:
By registering as a candidate you agree that, if elected, you will:
Please make sure you read the role description before registering.
To register your candidacy please go to the online application form. Please note that you have to be an Undergraduate, Postgraduate or Early Career member to be able to complete this form. You must register by midnight on 27th November 2017.
Confirmation of candidacy: Your sponsors will receive emails requesting they support your candidacy. We need confirmation of their support in order to approve your registration; you may wish to contact them yourself to ask that they respond to our email. Their deadline to respond is 4th December 2017.
Notification of members: Members will be notified of eligible candidates two weeks prior to the election.
Election: This takes place 25 December 2017 - 12th January 2018. Every Full, Full (Industry), Honorary, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Early Career and Retired member has one vote for each position, subject to fees being paid up to date.
(We're aware that the opening date of 25th December is not ideal! However we are constrained by the Association Articles to follow a set timetable and it happens to fall on this date. We are therefore keeping the election open for longer than usual so that people have plenty of time to vote.)
All Committee members must be familiar with the Association’s Articles and Rules. See bna.org.uk/about/governance/#governing-documents.
If you wish to discuss this position please contact Anne Cooke at anne.cooke@bna.org.uk.