'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the system for assessing research in UK higher education institutions. It was first conducted in 2014, replacing the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). The REF assesses the quality and impact of UK HEIs’ research in all disciplines.
The next REF is due to take place in 2021. It will be a process of expert review, assessing three distinct elements for each submission: outputs, impact, and the environment. Institutions will be invited to make submissions to 34 units of assessment (UOAs). Submissions will be assessed by expert sub-panels, with one sub-panel for each UOA.
Read more about REF2021 panels and sub-panels online.
The BNA has been invited to nominate individuals to be sub-panel members, with UoA4: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience being the most relevant Unit of Assessment.
If you are interested in being nominated by the BNA as a sub-panel members, please follow the steps below. Please note that the BNA is only able to nominate members; if you are not already a member, you can join online.
Please read what is expected of sub-panel members in the document: Roles and recruitment of the expert panels, especially noting Annex A, 'Provisional timetable and workload for panels'. Please also see "A guide for research users taking part in the REF.
Once you have read above, please submit the following documents to office@bna.org.uk no later than 4pm on November 15th.
The nomination committee will be composed of members of the BNA Council and Committee, hence representing a range of interests and institutions across neuroscience. As a nominating organisation, the BNA has to follow guidelines including consideration of the diversity of the pool of nominees, and the BNA would encourage nominees from groups under-represented in REF2014 panels.
If you have any questions please send to office@bna.org.uk.