5th biennial SIG22 Neuroscience and Education conference, London

External Event - 4th to 6th Jun 2018


4th-6th June 2018


Keynote Speakers

  • Nadine Gaab - Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School 
  • Paul Howard-Jones - University of Bristol
  • Heidi Johansen-Berg - University of Oxford
  • Robert Plomin - King's College London


Event details

Representatives from the committees of IMBES, Flux, and SIG 22 will discuss common goals and how we might all work together to achieve them.

We will hear examples and ideas for how to make research have impact with policy-makers, teachers, and the media from experts including:

  • Pete Etchells - Bath Spa University
  • Megan Sumeracki - Rhode Island College
  • Yana Weinstein - University of Massachusetts

Delegates from all career stages are encouraged to submit a poster abstract, and present a poster in one of the poster sessions. Abstract submission is open until 8th January 2018. Based on poster abstracts, some individuals, from a range of career stages, will be invited to give oral presentations. 

Expert facilitators will help us to have lively small-group discussions about issues and ideas relating to Neuroscience and Education. This is your chance to talk about anything you like - research ideas, new collaborations, outreach activities, engaging with stakeholders, making research relevant, methodological issues and more. Pose a topic or choose from those selected by others.

The Wellcome Collection's wonderful gallery Medicine Man has been booked out just for us. Enjoy a drink while wandering around this fascinating exhibition.


For more details about the conference please click here, or to submit an abstract click here.





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