'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 20th to 22nd Mar 2018
Registration for the Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference 2018 is now open! Visit www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/for-researchers/research-conference-2018/registration-2/
The Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference is heading to London in 2018, join us at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre to hear the latest findings in dementia research at the UK’s largest dementia research conference.
The conference will take place 20-21 March 2018 at the QEII Centre, and is a fantastic chance to gain insight from basic researchers through to clinical colleagues. Last year nearly 500 delegates attended and as in previous years, we expect the meeting to fill up fast, so book early to avoid disappointment.
The conference will cover a wide range of topics including:
Please see the scientific programme for a full list of speakers.
Please note that delegates can only upload a poster abstract after they have registered for the conference. We have capacity for 300 posters, and abstracts will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like to present a poster, please register and upload your abstract as soon as possible after registration. the final deadline for submission is 12 January 2018, however, spaces for posters may fill up before this date.
In addition to the main conference, ARUK will be holding an Early Careers Day on Monday 19 March. This day is specifically designed to support those starting their careers in dementia research, with parallel sessions for PhD students and post docs and fellows. You will have the opportunity to meet colleagues from across the UK, gain insight into career paths and grant writing, followed by drinks and nibbles in the evening. If you would like to attend this day, but are unable to attend the conference, please email conference@alzheimersresearchuk.org.
ARUK will be holding our first Alzheimer’s Research UK Policy Conference on Tuesday 20 March, running parallel to the main Scientific Conference. From 2pm we will be exploring the momentum created whilst the Government has focused its attention on dementia, what else the sector needs in order to find a new treatment by 2025 and once we have a treatment, how we work together to ensure it reaches patients. Registration for the Policy Conference only will open in October.
This year’s scientific programme has been formulated by a scientific committee at the Kings College London, Imperial College London and University College London Alzheimer’s Research UK Network Centres, led by Professor Diane Hanger and Professor Chris Miller.
Programme committee members:
Professor Diane Hanger, King’s College London
Professor Chris Miller, King’s College London
Dr Selina Wray, University College London
Dr Magdalena Sastre, Imperial College London
Dr Wendy Noble, King’s College London
Professor Peter Giese, King’s College London
Dr Elizabeth Glennon, King’s College London
Dr Caterina Giacomoni, King’s College London
Dr Dawn Lau, King’s College London
If you have any queries about the conference, please contact conference@alzheimersresearchuk.org.
For more information, updates and to register visit www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/for-researchers/research-conference-2018