'Memory and the Brain' - Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 7th to 9th Sep 2016
BioDynamics is a web forum designed to enable interactions between scientists from biological, clinical and mathematical disciplines that will ultimately lead to ground-breaking new research in the emerging fields of systems biology and systems medicine. It aims to house information about events, papers, visitor opportunities and careers, of relevance to anyone with an interest in these rapidly evolving fields of research.
Biodynamics would like to invite you to the next BioDynamics Workshop, which will take place in Exeter on 7-9 September 2016. This will be the third in a series of international workshops designed to bring together biologists, mathematicians, clinicians, physicists, and computer scientists who are interested in dynamics and networks in the biological and medical sciences.
BioDynamics 2016 promises to provide an exciting opportunity for scientists to present both methods and data in a multidisciplinary forum and hear how interdisciplinary collaborations can provide major conceptual advances in our understanding of complex biomedical systems.
The University of Exeter is renowned for its interdisciplinary approaches to research, particularly the interface between mathematics, biology and medicine. It hosts the Wellcome Trust ISSF funded Biomedical Informatics Hub and Centre for Biomedical Modelling and Analysis. It also hosts the EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare. In 2016, the University will open the Living Systems Institute, a £52.5M investment in understanding the fundamental mechanisms of living systems and how these breakdown in disease.
There will be a number of keynote presentations delivered by world-leading scientists, who will talk about their cutting-edge current research and highlight important future challenges within their field.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
In addition to keynote presentations, the workshop will feature a number of mini symposia and selected contributed talks. These talks will be 15 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Poster sessions will also provide an opportunity for people to present and discuss their work. Posters will be on display throughout the workshop, and there will be prizes awarded for the best posters from students and early-career scientists.