'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
BNA Event - 22nd Nov 2021
Time: 3pm - 7pm (GMT)
Location: Cynthia Beerbower Room, Newnham College (The room is located in the new Dorothy Garrod Building on the ground floor, close to the gardens and the Iris Cafe). Directions to Newnham College can be found here.
This afternoon event will offer up to 70 Early Career Researchers (MPhil, PhD and Post Doctoral Research Associates), the opportunity, together with some senior academics, to meet up and share their research, through poster and data blitz presentations.
There will be a data blitz for early career researchers (maximum of 20). Participants will be selected from submitted abstracts. Deadline for Abstract submission is Monday November 15th 2021 and presenters will be notified of selection shortly after that time to ensure adequate preparation time. Selected presenters will be allowed to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes.
There will be a poster exhibition (maximum of 20) held during. Deadline for Abstract submission is Monday November 15th 2021 and presenters will be notified of selection shortly after that time to ensure adequate preparation time.
Prizes will be awarded for the best poster and data blitz presentations (2 x £100).
Posters and Data blitz presentations can cover any of the six new themes of Cambridge Neuroscience.
Deadline for Abstract submission is Monday November 15th 2021.