'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 21st Mar 2018
Edinburgh Neuroscience's Neuroscience Day is an annual day of talks and poster presentations from neuroscientists of all backgrounds at The University of Edinburgh. It is an opportunity for the clinicians, basic researchers and students at Edinburgh to meet and exchange ideas in a fun and informal setting. The day ends with our Annual Distinguished Lecture which, this year will be delivered by Professor Erin Schuman, Director, Max Plank Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurk
08.30 Arrival and Registration
Chaired by: Professor Siddharthan Chandran, Director, Edinburgh Neuroscience
09.00 Welcome, Prof Siddharthan Chandran, Director, Edinburgh Neuroscience and Director, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
09.05 Neuropsychological assessment and cognitive control in stroke and brain tumour, Dr Sarah MacPherson, Psychology
09.30 Title to be advised, Prof Adam Waldman, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
09.55 Genetic therapies for neurodevelopmental disorders, Dr Stuart Cobb, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
10.20 How we can help support researchers, Research Support Office
10.25 Coffee & Posters
Chaired by: tbc
11.00 Fellows Session
12.15 Chronic pain: from sex differences to chemotherapy treatment, Dr Carole Torsney, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
12.40 Lunch & Posters
Chaired by: Professor Cathy Abbott, MRC Institute for Genetics & Molecular Medicine
14.00 Student data blitz session (4 selected abstracts - speakers to be advised)
14.30 Tales of inflammation and calcium in the brain, Prof Yannick Crow, Institute for Genetics & Molecular Medicine
14.55 Title to be advised, Prof Cathie Sudlow, Centre for Medical Informatics, Usher Institute
15.20 Tea and Posters
Chaired by: Professor David Wyllie, Director, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
16.00 Annual Distinguished Lecture in Neuroscience 2018
Local Transcriptomes and Proteomes in Neurons, Professor Erin Schuman, Director, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt
17.00 Close of Meeting
Registration fees
Registration fees for University of Edinburgh students and staff wanting to attend Neuroscience Day are charged on a sliding scale:
*There are a restricted number places for students on these courses. These have been pre-paid by either the MSc programme or the Biomedical Teaching organistation in order to allow students to particiate in Neuroscience Day 2018. Please select the relevant option when registering (we do check who eveyone is and will cancel your booking if you don't qualify!)
Registration is via the University of Edinburgh ePay system: click here to register
For further information please visit https://www.edinburghneuroscience.ed.ac.uk/events/neuroscience-day-2018