'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 12th Jul 2017
An excellent opportunity for male champions, leaders, and WISE members, male and female, who want to engage the full workforce to encourage and develop women in STEM.
‘It was excellent, extremely well organised and a thought provoking introduction to the themes of WISE’ - Nick Woodrow, Director CEMAR, attendee at the last WISE Men of Action event
Last year WISE held a very successful WISE Knowledge Sharing Event: Men of Action – World Café, at Amec Foster Wheeler, Knutsford. Now WISE members in and around London have the chance to participate in this dynamic, practical and frank exchange of ideas on how we can engage men to help redress the balance within our own organisations.
Kindly Hosted by WISE Corporate Members Ramboll, 240 Blackfriars Rd, London SE1 8NW
To identify ways to increase the involvement and commitment of men
To share thinking and ideas about what practical actions men can take to promote change and move from bystanders to advocates
To forge contacts within a network with a genuine interest in accelerating changes in industry
9:00 Coffee & Registration
9:30 Welcome and introductions WISE and Mathew Riley, Managing Director, Ramboll
10.00 Ronnie Corse, Head of Technology, Sky
10.30 Roundtable discussions
11.30 Feedback and learnings
12.30-12.45 Closing comments
World Café is a powerful format that uses facilitated roundtable discussions to help groups of people to engage in great conversations that can lead to breakthrough thinking around critical issues. It provides a fun, simple and engaging way to develop and test ideas.
Read the report from the previous Men of Action event wisecampaign.org.uk/uploads/wise/files/REPORT_WISE_Men_of_Action_AmecFW.pdf
For full details click here