British Neuroscience Association welcomes The Queen’s Reading Room as an Official Partner for the International Festival of Neuroscience, BNA2025
17th February 2025
External Event - 20th Jul to 5th Aug 2022
Venue: Fred Kavli Science Center, Eresfjord, Norway
Estimated cost: 1600EUR (FENS and IBRO-PERC provide 4 stipends of 750 EUR for Master and/or PhD students interested in attending this course).
Computational Neuroscience and Inference from data are disciplines that extensively use tools from Mathematics and Physics to understand the behavior of model neuronal networks and analyze data from real experiments. Due to its interdisciplinary nature and the complexity of the neuronal networks, the list of techniques that are borrowed from Physics and Mathematics is an extensive one. Although using tools from standard curriculum of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering is common, more advanced research requires methods and techniques that are not usually covered in any single discipline.
To fill in this gap, this summer school covers some of the most important methods used in computational neuroscience research through both main lectures and scientific seminars (5-6 main lectures per topic and 1-2 seminars by each invited seminar speaker) .?
Organizers: Yasser Roudi, Ivan Davidovich and Benjamin Dunn, Chewy (Chief Security Officer)
Application deadline: 30th of April