BNA Scholars Design and Host "Brain Sciences Symposium" aimed at supporting Early Career Researchers from Underrepresented Backgrounds
13th January 2025
External Event - 12th to 15th Jun 2017
Mediterranean Neuroscience Society Meeting 2017 is a part of the effort of MNS to bring its contribution to the development of neuroscience in the Mediterranean region and in the rest of the world.
After a successful 2015 meeting in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy), the 2017 Mediterranean Neuroscience Meeting is taking place in Malta. It is sure to be an engaging scientific experience among the world’s top neuroscientists.
Giacomo Rizzolatti - Opening Lecture (Italy/Malta) - University of Parma, Department of Neuroscience, & University of Malta, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Malta
Raphael Mechoulam (Israel) - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Pharmacy- Institute for Drug Research
Michaela Matteoli (Italy) - University of Milan, Department of Pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Medical Toxicology.
Pierre Magistretti (Switzerland) - École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne, Laboratory of Neuroenergetics and Cellular Dynamics
Rosa Cossart (France) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Unité 901, 13009 Marseille, France.
Carmen Cavada (Spain) - Autonomous University of Madrid, Medical School.
Ilana Gozes (Israel) - Tel Aviv University, Adams Super Center for Brain Studies, the Levie-Edersheim-Gitter Institute for Functional Brain Imaging.
Vincenzo Crunelli (UK/Malta) - School of Biosciences, Neurosicence Devision, Cardiff University, UK & University of Malta, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Malta
For further information please see meeting website.
For any enquries, please contact Professor Giuseppe Di Giovanni at, the Coordinator of Malta Neuroscience and the President of the organising committee of 6th MNS meeting.