'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 3rd Nov 2021
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh is having its annual symposium, Neurology 3, on the 3rd of November, 2021.
"We have assembled this programme during the COVID-19 pandemic, mindful of the challenges - and opportunities – that it has created for physicians and patients with neurological diseases. So, what will post-pandemic neurology look like? We will need the same knowledge base, so we have embedded core elements of the training curricula. But, for patients and physicians to thrive, we hope to stimulate you to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of your speciality, transform failure into success, to think on your feet, and to practice with humanity".
09:25 |
Welcome and Introductory Remarks |
Chair: Professor Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Professor of Clinical Neurology, University of Edinburgh
09:30 |
What does carbon-zero neurology look like? * how neurologists can respond to climate change to protect and promote public health * how the NHS is becoming greener * opportunities to reduce carbon emissions in everyday neurological practice |
10:05 |
Navigating and communicating the pandemic infodemic
10:40 |
From evidence to affordability in neurology * recent advances in the evidence base for management of headache disorders * cost-effectiveness of new treatments for migraine * the greatest good for the greatest number with headache |
11:15 |
Break |
Chair: Dr Jane Anderson, Consultant Neurologist, Addenbrooke’s hospital, Cambridge
11:30 |
My most instructive mistake * case-based examples of instructive mistakes * management of acute neurological emergencies and epilepsy * how to improve patient safety with a just culture for gross negligence manslaughter |
12:30 |
SIR BYROM BRAMWELL LECTURE *the spectrum of mitochondrial neurological disorders * how to investigate disease mechanisms within a clinical career * translating mechanistic insight into treatments |
13:15 |
Break/Lunch |
Chair: Dr David Breen, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
13:45 |
How I approach the diagnosis of transient neurological attacks – video case *clinical approach to assessing a video case of a transient neurological attack * differential diagnosis * contemporary, evidence-based management |
14:20 |
How I approach the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders – video case * clinical approach to assessing a video case of a neuromuscular disorder * differential diagnosis * contemporary, evidence-based management |
14:55 |
How I approach the diagnosis of movement disorders – video case * clinical approach to assessing a video case of a movement disorder * differential diagnosis * contemporary, evidence-based management |
15:30 |
Break |
Chair: Dr David Nicholl, Consultant Neurologist, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust
15:50 |
Stand up for your patients with disabilities * what it’s like to spend 12 months in a spinal injuries unit * what patients need from their neurologists * how the media can help us – tales from her “Spinal Column” in The Times’ magazine |
16:25 |
Your patients with disabilities can stand up for themselves * what patients with cerebral palsy need from neurologists and rehabilitation physicians * what neurologists can do to help their patients to be treated fairly by the welfare system * is laughter the best medicine? |
17:00 |
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