Online workshop: "Pitch your research in an online environment"

External Event - 7th May 2021

This hands-on online workshop aims to provide participants with the ability to present in a clear way what their research area of interest is about and how to find the best story around it. Registration deadline: 29 April 2021. Limited number of places.

Do you need to explain your research for a job, fellowship or grant? Not sure how to sum up your research in a short pitch? 
Presenting your research, finding the essence you want to share and communicating it in a clear way can be challenging, especially in an online environment.
This workshop aims to provide participants with the ability to present what their research area of interest is about in a clear way and the tools to find the best story around it. 

Active participation is expected from the participants during the workshop (breakout rooms). Participants will be asked to provide a short abstract of their research area of interest to confirm their registration. 

This workshop is organised by the FENS Communication Committee with the support of the Dana Foundation.

For more information, visit

Registration is open. Please note that the number of places is limited to 50 to allow participants to receive feedback on their presentation.

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