'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 30th Aug to 13th Sep 2017
This postgrad course is to be held at The Marine Biological Association in Plymouth from the 30th August - 13th September 2017.
The workshop provides intensive practical experience of a number of microelectrode, patch clamp and optical techniques applied to single cells. It is intended for postgraduate students, post-doctoral workers or established scientists wishing to apply these techniques in their research.
The following core techniques are offered as 3-day experiments:
In addition there are lectures and practicals in:
Electronics, microscopy, data analysis and computing, bilayer recording, flash photolysis, amperometry and capacitance measurements, multi-electrode arrays, in vivo patch clamp recording.
There are 20 places. Daily lectures are given by teachers and visiting lecturers to cover the basic techniques and specialised topics. A copy of the Plymouth Microelectrode Handbook will be provided.
Accommodation (for 14 nights – arrive & depart on Wednesday) is close to the laboratory and includes breakfast, lunch is provided in the lab each day and an allowance is given for an evening meal.
The course fee of £1500 includes accommodation, meals and tuition. Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
The closing date for applications is 31st March 2017
To find out more about the course and to apply, please visit The Marine Biological Association website