'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 29th Sep to 1st Oct 2022
Hybrid Event: Doha, Qatar
The Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting is our forum for international networking and discussion of hydrocephalus and spina bifida. The aim of the meetings is to encourage members, including junior professionals, to present their latest research results. The meetings are recognised by the United Kingdom Royal Medical and Nursing Colleges, equivalent organizations in the USA and other professional bodies for the purposes of continuous professional development.
Abstract submission deadline: 2nd May 2022
We are also extremely pleased to announce the following prizes for conference presentations: Best Basic Science, Best Clinical Science, and the SRHSB President’s Prize.
But there’s even more on offer! We are also delighted to announce two more awards: The Waite Hydrocephalus Research Student Bursary and the SRHSB/Integra Graduate Travelling Fellowship Program.
Through the generosity and support of the Waite family, we invite applications for The Waite Hydrocephalus Research Student Bursary to support student research projects in the areas of hydrocephalus and/or spina bifida. Application deadline is 2nd May 2022.
Through the generosity of an Integra Educational grant, the SRHSB/Integra Graduate Travelling Fellowship Program will support travelling fellowships for young graduate scientists, both basic and clinical, to visit international centres of research excellence in the broad field of CSF function, hydrocephalus, and neural tube defects. Application deadline is 2nd May 2022.