'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 13th Mar 2017
This event is being held in London on the 13th March 2017.
This is a coordinated program of lectures given by neuroscientists to pupils (15+ yrs) and teachers about neuromyths in the classroom including learning styles and other pseudoscience practices. The events are taking place in 10 private schools in the London area that are partnered with public schools that would not normally have visiting university speakers.
If you would like to come to this event, please get in touch with Bruce Hood (the speaker) about how to register;
Phone: 07803000062
Email: bruce@speakzee.org
To see what other events are being hosted by Speakzee, please visit their website.
To find out other events during brain awareness week, head to Dana website.