BNA Scholars Design and Host "Brain Sciences Symposium" aimed at supporting Early Career Researchers from Underrepresented Backgrounds
13th January 2025
External Event - 30th Oct to 1st Nov 2017
With international top keynote speakers including the three 2017 prizewinners, The Brain Prize Meeting brings together young neuroscientists and top researchers at this high-level neuroscience event, held at Hindsgavl Castle, Middelfart, Denmark.
Peter Dayan, University College London, United Kingdom
Ray Dolan, University College London, United Kingdom
Wolfram Schultz, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Invited keynote speakers
Roshan Cools, Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Patricia Janak, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Morten Kringelbach, University of Oxford & Aarhus University, United Kingdom and Denmark
Yael Niv, Princeton University, USA
Melanie Wilke, University Medicine Goettingen, Germany
Invited special lecture
Demis Hassabis, DeepMind, United Kingdom
'New Talent Talk'
Ciara McCabe, University of Reading, United Kingdom
For full programme see The Brain Prize Meeting website
The meeting is certified by the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University and the University of Southern Denmark as an external Ph.D. course worth 1 (one) ECTS point. PhD students must submit an abstract to be eligible for the ECTS point.
The meeting is open to junior and senior scientists in the field of basic as well as clinical neuroscience. The number of participants is limited to 120. The language is English.
Participants are invited and encouraged to submit one or more abstracts. All PhD students attending are required to submit an abstract. Abstracts dealing with topics outside of the main theme of the meeting are also welcome. All submitted abstracts will be presented as either short oral presentations or poster presentations.
Submit abstracts in pdf format max 350 words to att. Line Kristensen.
Poster size: A0 = 1189 (H) x 841 (W) mm.
Deadline for abstracts: 10 October 2017.
A prize of 2.500 Euros will be awarded for the best presentation and abstract. When registering, please indicate whether you would like to be considered for the Junior Brain Prize. Consideration for the prize requires submission of i) a resume/CV, ii) a nomination from your supervisor, and iii) a 100-word description of how your scientific project contributes to neuroscience in a broader perspective.
Online on a first come first serve basis - priority will be given to participants submitting an abstract.
Deadline for registration: 10 October 2017.
You will receive an e-mail invoice from the Lundbeck Foundation. Your registration is complete and will be confirmed once your payment is received. Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable.
Registration is free of charge for the first 10 undergraduates, for the following undergraduates the registration fee is DKK 1000,-.
Registration fee is DKK 1000,- for the first 30 PhD Students, for the following PhD Students the registration fee is DKK 2500,-.
Registration fee for all other participants is DKK 2500,-.
The fee includes all meals and lodging.
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE : Kamilla Miskowiak, Copenhagen University Hospital and University of Copenhagen, Morten Mørup, Technical University of Denmark, Duda Kvitsiani, Aarhus University, Jakob Kisbye Dreyer, University of Copenhagen, and Tanja Sheldrick-Michel, University of Southern Denmark
ORGANIZERS : The Lundbeck Foundation in collaboration with Danish Universities and Danish Society for Neuroscience.
SPONSOR : The Lundbeck Foundation is the sole sponsor of this meeting
Once annually the Lundbeck Foundation awards The Brain Prize - a € 1 mio. personal research prize. The prize is awarded to nurture interest in brain research, to stimulate and reward outstanding brain research and to stimulate Danish brain research through increased interaction with international brain research.
For further information, please contact Line Kristensen: