BNA Event -
8th Jun 2020
The Eye Webinar Monday 8th June, 4 pm (UK time/BST)
Please register by clicking here
This webinar will be on the topic of the eye and the neuroscience of sight and will be aimed at primary school children (ages 5-11). We will be learning about the structure of the eye, the light receptors in the eye and how the message is passed to and processed by our brain.
We are planning for this webinar to run for about 1 hour.
Preparing for the Kahoot quiz
During the webinar, we will be using Kahoot to allow you to give us your answers and ideas!
You will need a device that your children can share to watch the presentation on, and a way of interacting with our webinar (with Kahoot or without Kahoot), either:
- A smartphone/tablet/other device per child (with kahoot up) and a computer (to watch the presentation altogether) recommended
- A computer with two tabs open (one with presentation open, and another with kahoot open)
- A computer/ other device (to watch presentation on) and paper and a pen to write down answers (If you aren't able to use Kahoot)
If you have a smartphone/tablet/another tab to hand for each child they will be able to answer questions individually, otherwise, they can work as a team.
Preparing for the activity: Making a model eye
During the webinar, we will be making a model of an eye to help us learn about the parts of the eye.
Your model could look a bit like the eye in the picture below, but you can be very creative and make the parts out of lots of different materials.

Here are some suggestions for materials you could use to make the different parts:
- If you have play dough/modelling clay, you could use this to make the whole eye. If not:
- For the outer part of the eye, the layer containing blood vessels and the retina: 1-3 (ideally 3) pieces of fabric cut into circles no smaller than 12 cm in diameter. The fabric can be from a cloth, an old garment, felt or you could even use tissue paper or plastic bags cut up. Also a red and a black (or any other colour except for red) pen (can use a biro).
- For the lens (this will go inside the eye): a small piece of plastic e.g. from a milk bottle, some food packaging etc
- For the vitreous gel: cotton wool, tissue paper, bubble wrap etc
- For the optic nerve: a piece of string/twine and a piece of thread/rubber band/sellotape
- For the pupil and iris: black and blue (or any other eye colour) felt-tip pens or circles of coloured paper/tissue paper/felt etc
- For the cornea: a small circle of clear plastic e.g. from a poly pocket/ cling film
- Scissors and tape
Please register by clicking here
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