'Memory and the Brain' - Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - Nov to 29th Oct 2016
The European Parliament Office for Scientific and Technological Option Assessment (STOA) together with the European Commission and the Human Brain Project (HBP) are organising a workshop event on "Understanding the human brain – a new ERA of big neuroscience". The event will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels on the 29 November 2016 from 14:30 to 17:00 and will be chaired by Evžen TOŠENOVSKÝ, Member of the European Parliament and STOA Vice-Chair.
Key leading scientists will provide an overview of three major brain research initiatives that were launched over the last three years in the world: (i) the Japanese BRAIN/MINDS project, (ii) the US Brain Initiative, and (iii) the EU Human Brain Flagship project. It will be followed by a panel discussion. An exhibition of the EU HBP Flagship is planned to take place on that day in the Altiero Spinelli building (ASP balcony 5G). The event will be followed by a drink in the MEP restaurant at 17h30.
A webstream will be available.
To view the programme and register, please visit European Parliament website