'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
External Event - 14th Mar 2019
18:45 - 21:30
Join the University of Bradford for a Brain Awareness week Cafe Scientifique at the National Science and Media Museum, Bradford, UK. Dr Gisela Helfer is a neuroendocrinologist who works at the University of Bradford: With a worldwide obesity crisis, what new approaches are there to help people lose weight? Seasonal animals like hamsters adapt their physiology to an ever-changing environment, altering their appetite, bodyweight and metabolism to cope with variation in food availability and environmental conditions. Hamsters gain or lose almost half their bodyweight depending on the season, and they know to do this because their brains interpret the length of daylight hours to alter their physiology.
This talk will explore how understanding the brain systems in seasonal animals helps us understand ourselves. The event is part of the museum's Lates opening, which is open to all members of the public and we will run the discussion twice, at 6.45 pm and 8.00