'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
8th May 2018
Since exhibiting her brain scan-inspired artworks at the BNA Neurofest 2017 (Birmingham), Rebecca Ivatts is now publishing an art-science book of her works accompanied by short essays by neuroscientists. Designed to appeal to clinician and layman alike, this beautiful publication promises to provide a feast for both the eyes and intellect. While shining a spotlight on various areas of neuroscience, the 50-odd artworks also offer a fresh, imaginative perspective on the brain.
Most recently Rebecca has collaborated with a Parkinson’s specialist at Oxford University and is set to embark on an art-science collaboration with stroke and rehabilitation academics/patients at Oxford and the Wellcome Centre for Neuroimaging.
To pledge support for this cerebral art book, please click on the link below and pre-order your copy from crowdfunding publisher Unbound. There's also a great video with Rebecca in her London studio talking about her work:-