'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
8th Feb 2022
Don't miss out on the largest neursocience event of its kind across Europe in 2023: make sure your society, charity or organisation* is part of the BNA2023 International Festival of Neuroscience!
Being a Partner gives your organisation a presence and visibility at a unique multi-organisation forum, and confers numerous benefits to your members, grant-holders, staff or associates.
Partner Organsations have access to all this at a fraction of the cost (less than 0.5%) of organising such a meeting independently.
We are now opening the call for organisations to join us at the 2023 Festival. Make sure you - and your members - don't miss out; the 30+ Partners from previous Festivals can't be wrong!
*Eligibility criteria for partnering organisations
Partnering Organisations must be not-for-profit organisations, for example societies, associations, charities, funders or similar.
Commercial organisations cannot be considered. If you are unsure if your organisation is a fit then please email louise.tratt@bna.org.uk.
From 23rd to 26th April 2023 the British Neuroscience Association will host its sixth International Festival of Neuroscience, this time in Brighton, UK. The ambition and scope of the BNA Festivals make them unparalleled across neuroscience.
There are two aspects of the Festivals which make them unique: they bring together multiple organisations with an interest in brain research at a single, shared event, creating a novel, multi-organisation forum featuring all areas of fundamental research in neuroscience and psychology, from both academia and the commercial sector, plus clinical expertise in neurology and psychiatry; and they also include a full programme of public events as well.
Click here for the 2021 Festival Guide to get a flavour of what Festivals are like.
Being a Partner Organisation at the Festival of Neuroscience enables your organisation to become an integral part of the event. Partner Organisations are typically membership societies, charities, funders, university departments or institutions - but being a Partner is open to any organisation involved in neuroscience.
All members, staff, grant-holders or associates (as applicable) of Partner Organsations societies are entitled to siginficantly reduced registration fees plus other benefits as listed below, for a contribution of £1.85k+VAT towards the total costs of the Festival and any travel costs you wish to provide for your own speakers.
Firstly, simply louise.tratt@bna.org.uk
We will then follow up with you to confirm details and secure your place. This will include:
Please contact us to discuss any aspects of being a Partner Organisation - or if you want to be involved in the Festival in other way!
**All symposia need to meet the guidelines and will be reviewed by the Programme Organising Committee before being accepted into the programme.