'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
3rd Sep 2021
We are delighted to announce that, thanks to ongoing support from the Guarantors of Brain, the BNA is inviting applications for BNA-Brain Carer Grants to help cover expenses associated with caring responsibilities and enable participation in either BNA-hosted or external neuroscience events.
BNA-Brain Carer Grants are inclusive of varied circumstances and different caring responsibilities to support the diverse needs of all neuroscientists, and thereby promote teaching, education and research in neuroscience, neurology, and related disciplines.
Previously awarded to carers attending our 2019 and 2021 Festivals of Neuroscience, the BNA-Brain Carer Grants have been very positively received by the neuroscience community for acknowledging caring responsibilities, and how they can make it very hard for neuroscientists to fully participate in events such as conferences.
We are delighted that the Guarantors of Brain have now extended their support beyond the Festivals. This means we are now able to offer BNA-Brain Carer Grants of up to £200 to neuroscientists with children or other caring responsibilities throughout the coming year, for either BNA events or relevant activities held by other organisations.
Moreover, the BNA-Brain Carer grants will support attendance of either in-person or online events. This is in recognition that, although online events have the potential to widen participation, significant challenges remain for working parents and others with caring responsibilities even when they can access content online.
We are very grateful to the Guarantors of Brain for their continued commitment to the BNA-Brain Carer grants and are proud that we can continue to support our neuroscience community through this important initiative.
If you’d like further information about the BNA-Brain Carer Grants, please visit our awards and prizes page here or contact the BNA office.
The BNA Scholars programme supports students from underrepresented ethnic groups to thrive in neuroscience. Applications for 2022 will open in the autumn of 2021 – keep a look out for more news!