'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
31st Jul 2024
This month, the 100th and final issue of the BNA Bulletin was published. As part of our mission to promote sustainable neuroscience, the BNA is developing new ways of engaging with our members and the wider community, which means moving away from a traditional print newsletter and providing opportunities to share articles, blogs and news digitally on a more regular basis, across the BNA website and social media channels, and through our journal, Brain and Neuroscience Advances.
BNA Members can access this edition, and all past magazines via the “Publications” page on our website.
Launched in 1986 as the ‘BRA Newsletter’ (the Brain Research Association was the fore-runner of the BNA), the newsletter became the ‘BNA Bulletin’ in 2003. Through these different incarnations, the BNA has a long history of promoting and sharing our members’ achievements and activities.
We’ve come a long way as an organisation in the nearly 40 years since the first newsletter was published and it’s been fascinating to look back at some of the key articles and moments we have shared during that time. This bumper edition of the Bulletin is packed with member-led content. Our extended Brain Insights section contains articles from editors Katherine Birditt (also the BNA Undergraduate Prize-winner for 2023) and Irene Zebonich, as well as several others at the beginning of their careers in neuroscience. There’s also an overview of two key highlights of the year – our Festive Symposium and Members Meetings, both a huge success.
We’re incredibly grateful for our members who have contributed to BNA publications over the years, in particular to the Brain Insights team, who we will continue to work with to create engaging content for you to enjoy. Huge thanks also to our BNA Bulletin Editor, Ian Jones who has steered and curated the BNA Bulletin since 2012, and Jeffrey Dalley, co Editor-in-Chief of our society journal, Brain and Neuroscience Advances, who is stepping down from the role after 8 fantastic years. Thank you all for your dedication to supporting and amplifying the voice of our community.
Though it’s our final edition, it’s also a new beginning for BNA communications. If you are a BNA member and have a research topic you’d like to explore, a report from an event, or an opinion on a current trend in neuroscience, the BNA is your place to have your voice heard. Join your peers and share your science by contacting office@bna.org.uk.