'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
4th Feb 2021
The BNA has submitted evidence to an inquiry into how organisations within science, technology, engineering and maths are helping to create a diverse and inclusive working environment. The inquiry is being led by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM, and builds on one the Group held previously looking at equity within STEM education.
APPGs in Westminster are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and peers on a particular topic. The APPG on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM is organised by the British Science Association, and was formed to encourage government, parliamentarians, academics, businesses and other stakeholders to work towards a STEM sector that is representative of the population.
In our response to the inquiry, we highlighted that there is a gap in demographic data that needs to be filled through further research, and that the BNA has sought to fill through surveys at our events, and via requests for institutional data. The data we have gathered suggest a decrease in representation with seniority within the neuroscience community – highlighting the importance of initiatives such as our new BNA Scholars programme, to support students from currently under-represented ethnic groups in neuroscience.
The APPG is expected to publish a report later this year. If you are interested in hearing more, our response is available to download.
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