'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
5th Mar 2020
FENS Forum update
The COVID-19 situation represents a global health concern that FENS takes seriously. In partnership with Kenes International and the Glasgow Convention Bureau, we are continuing to monitor the situation and will follow recommendations for appropriate action as they become available from national, European and international health advisory agencies, including the NHS, the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Based on the current available travel advisories, we are pleased to confirm that we are continuing with plans for the FENS Forum in Glasgow on 11-15 July 2020.
We would like to reassure our 5,000+ registered delegates, exhibitors and partners that we are mindful of our duties as the organiser of a large international scientific meeting and that we will keep everyone updated through our regular communication channels as the situation evolves.
We recommend that all scientists who are planning to join us in Glasgow defer to the advice of their relevant national health authorities regarding their travel to the UK.
The WHO also has put together some helpful advice for the public, available on their website.