'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
17th Apr 2018
We are delighted to announce that BNA members can register for an ISM* slot to present a poster abstract and receive substantially reduced registration rates for the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Meeting 2018 in San Diego (3-7 November 2018), under the same conditions as regular SfN members.
BNA members have access to this benefit thanks to the fact that, as a BNA member, you also become a member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS). Eligibility for ISM slots is a unique FENS member benefit, one of the many advantages brought via membership of FENS.
If you aren't a member of the BNA, then first you need to join the BNA!
If you are a BNA member and haven't already got your FENS ID, you need to activate your FENS membership; follow the instructions here.
FENS members should then register via the ISM application form to apply for a slot.
Those selected will receive an individual slot number with additional information on how to register and submit the abstract.
Please note:
Once you have obtained a slot number, follow the full instructions on how to submit an abstract and register for SfN Neuroscience 2018 at SfN Member Rates.
*ISM = International Society Member