'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
14th Nov 2018
Do you want to get more involved in the neuroscience community, have a role at national level, and help shape the BNA for all its members and beyond?
A number of opportunites to do just this are available in the next few months.
All members are reminded of the need to adhere to the Association’s policies, including the Equality and Diversity Policy.
In April 2019, the BNA will appoint a new President-Elect for the organisation. Any member of the BNA can nominate an individual to become President-Elect; we invite you to read the below and consider submitting a nomination. It would be normal practice for a nomination to have a Proposer and a Seconder (both of whom should be members of the BNA) and that the nominee is aware of their nomination and has given their consent to be put forward for the role.
Please note that the President-Elect need not be a BNA member to be eligible for appointment.
Being President of the BNA is a prestigious role, previously occupied by leading UK neuroscientists including John O’Keefe, Nancy Rothwell and David Nutt.
The President-Elect, along with the President and Past-President, acts as a figurehead of the BNA. They should therefore be a high-ranking individual within the UK neuroscience community with strong links to national, European and international neuroscience, as well as policy makers, biomedical charities and funding councils. The President represents the Association externally, and should make use of their position and contacts to further the overarching strategic direction, aims and activities of the BNA.
BNA Presidents are expected to be heavily involved in the biennial Festival of Neuroscience which falls within their term of office, and planning for the one immediately following.
The term of office for President is two years. However this is preceded by two years as President-Elect and followed by two years as Past-President, meaning there is a commitment of six years to the BNA. The following outlines the dates of each term and links to a full description of each role:
President-Elect - April 2019-21
President - April 2021-23
Past-President - April 2023-25
As Association Secretary you will be a Trustee, Director and member of the BNA Council and National Advisory Committee (‘the Committee’). The purpose of the BNA Committee is to represent different demographics and interests within the Association’s membership, and to use their skills and experience to provide information and advice to the Council.
All candidates for this post need to have been a member of the BNA for at least 12 months prior to their election.
The Association Secretary is expected to take the lead at Council level on:
For a full role description please click here.
The term of office is four years. The retirement date is that of the next Annual General Meeting to take place following the completion of four years in office, which in this case would be April 2023.
As Membership Secretary you will be a member of the BNA’s National Advisory Committee (‘the Committee’). The purpose of the BNA Committee is to represent different demographics and interests within the Association’s membership, and to use their skills and experience to provide information and advice to the Council.
All candidates for this post need to have been a member of the BNA for at least 12 months prior to their election.
The Membership Secretary is expected to take the lead at Committee level in order to:
For a full role description please click here.
The term of office is four years. The retirement date is that of the next Annual General Meeting to take place following the completion of four years in office, which in this case would be April 2023.
As Equal Opportunities & Diversity Representative you will be a member of the BNA’s National Advisory Committee (‘the Committee’). The purpose of the BNA Committee is to represent different demographics and interests within the Association’s membership, and to use their skills and experience to provide information and advice to the Council.
All candidates for this post need to have been a member of the BNA for at least 12 months prior to their election.
The Equal Opportunities & Diversity Representative is expected to take the lead at Committee level in order to:
For a full role description please click here.
The term of office is four years. The retirement date is that of the next Annual General Meeting to take place following the completion of four years in office, which in this case would be April 2023.