'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
4th May 2021
As a member society of IBRO the BNA can nominate up to three candidates.
If you are interested in being nominated for a position on PERC by the BNA, please read all the information.
The IBRO Regional Committees are responsible for planning and implementing the decisions, policies, programs and activities approved by IBRO leadership within and across the five IBRO regions.
Regional Committees function through different means of communication and normally meet in person at least once per year in connection with a major international or regional meeting, such as the IBRO World Congress, SfN annual meeting, FENS Forum, or SONA, FALAN and FAONS congresses.
Additional committee activities:
• Identify and advise IBRO on regional needs, challenges and opportunities
• Leverage resources and provide relevant training and career opportunities for regional researchers and those interested in neuroscience in the region
• Serve as IBRO regional ambassadors
• Develop and propose the annual regional budgets for IBRO
• Reviewing regional and global grant applications
• Attend annual committee meeting to review, discuss and identify regional neuroscience priorities
• Work closely with national and regional organizations and member societies to increase brain research and awareness in the regions
Regional Committee Members serve an initial term of three years and can run for re-election to serve a second and final term of three years. Regional Committee members who are elected in 2021 will begin their terms on 1 January 2022 and serve until 31 December 2024.
Nominated candidates must be current members of the BNA and should have previous knowledge of and experience with IBRO activities. Candidates should also confirm their willingness to serve before being nominated. To apply to be nominated for one of the three positions available, please complete and submit the form below by Monday 7 June 2021 (BST 23:59).
The BNA will nominate to three candidates for the IBRO Pan-European Regional Committee (PERC) and will inform all applicants of the outcome.
For full details of the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (PERC) please click here.
If you have any questions, please contact us.