'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
30th Aug 2017
IBRO are opening the call for nominations for their next Secretary General. The pool of nominated candidates will be evaluated by the IBRO Nominating Committee who will then select the shortlisted candidates to appear on the final ballot.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, 8 September 2017.
Please read below for more information:
The Secretary General is the Chief Executive Officer of IBRO and, in conjunction with the President, acts as principal spokesman for IBRO. He/she presides at the meeting of the Executive Committee, acts as Secretary of the Governing Council and is responsible for executing policies determined by the Governing Council and the Executive Committee. He/she is responsible for managing the main secretariat of IBRO. He/she initiates new programs and activities of IBRO, communicates with Member Organizations, fosters liaisons with other scientific unions and international organizations and represents IBRO at national and regional meetings.
The Secretary General serves one year as Secretary General Elect, 3 years as acting Secretary General and one final year as Past Secretary General. The Secretary General cannot be re-elected.
1. Name, affiliation
2. Curriculum Vitae (CV), which should include standard information on scientific, academic and professional activities (300-500 words), and a list of the candidate’s 10-15 best publications
3. One-page letter from the nominee indicating (1) that he/she is willing to serve as Secretary General and (2) the reasons for wanting to do so
Because each candidate will be assessed and ranked by two multinational bodies (the Nominating Committee and the Governing Council) all documents must be in English.
All nominations should be forwarded by email to me at ibro.tasia@gmail.com by Friday, 8 September 2017.