'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
5th Jun 2017
The Royal Society of Biology (RSB), of which the BNA is an organisation member, has written to major party leaders on the importance of science in the UK, the potential challenges facing the sector, and recommendations the next Parliament should consider to ensure the UK remains world-leading.
Identical letters were sent to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Conservative leader Theresa May, Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron, leader of Plaid Cymru Leanne Wood, leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party Nicola Sturgeon, UKIP leader Paul Nuttall and the Green Party co-leaders Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley.
The letter highlighted the need for the leaders’ political work to encourage a Government that will:
The letter also urged leaders to prioritise providing certainty and stability for EEA nationals working in the sector and for UK scientists abroad; a key concern given the proximity of the election to the beginning of Brexit negotiations.
This correspondence follows letters sent to previous MPs planning to stand for re-election.
Find out more about the upcoming General Election, including a breakdown of the parties’ manifesto policies for education and science on the RSB's General Election page.