'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
18th Jan 2017
The Prime Minister recently set out the Government's negotiating objectives for exiting the EU.
In her speech the PM specifically mentioned science and innovation within the key objectives, saying:
"One of our great strengths as a nation is the breadth and depth of our academic and scientific communities, backed up by some of the world's best universities. And we have a proud history of leading and supporting cutting-edge research and innovation"
Dr Laura Bellingan FRSB, director of policy and public affairs of the RSB has responded to this by saying:
"It is clear that the Government recognises the importance of excellent science for the UK's future; it not only saves and improves lives and livelihoods, but adds to the UK's wealth and influence. Science is international and continuously-developing; investment and the beneficial movement of people are both essential."
To read the full statement and response from the RSB, please head to their website