'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
27th Apr 2020
Here at the British Neuroscience Association (BNA), we’re delighted and proud to be co-authors of a paper published today in Nature Human Behaviour: 'Evidence for prereg posters as a platform for preregistration'.
The paper sets out preliminary evidence that shows how prereg posters are valuable in providing feedback, promoting open science, and supporting early career researchers (ECRs). Its publication today should also encourage uptake of initiatives such as this, which aim to support reproducible, credible and open neuroscience, by the reserach community.
The BNA has been an ardent campaigner for prereg posters as an important element of its ‘Credibility in Neuroscience’ campaign.
Preregistration posters differ from 'traditional' posters by presenting plans for research, rather than a completed study. This means neuroscientists are able to obtain feedback from the international neuroscience community when it is most valuable (when there is still chance to revise the plan), and form collaborations that can help with the proposed study.
Today’s paper highlights the benefits of prereg posters including:
Dr Anne Cooke, BNA Chief Executive and co-author of the paper, commented: “Testing and collecting evidence for approaches that aim to promote credibility - such as prereg posters - is vital if we're to make informed and meaningful steps towards more open, transparent and reproducible research, and meet the aims of our 'Credibility in Neuroscience' campaign.
“We hope today’s paper will help to lead the way forward and encourage other meeting organisers to adopt prereg posters as an important route to discussing research at conferences – whether they're real or virtual!”
"We are also delighted that the paper is co-authored by Kimberly Brouwers who worked on this study whilst she was undertaking an undergraduate student placement with the BNA, and would like to congratulate Kimberly on this significant achievement."
Full paper: Brouwers, K., Cooke, A., Chambers, C.D., Henson R.N., Tibon, R. Evidence for prereg posters as a platform for preregistration. Nat Hum Behav (2020). DOI https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-020-0868-z
Published 27 April 2020
Read more here for further practical advice on presenting preregistration posters.
You might also want to take a look at other tools you can use to support credibility in your research at our campaign website: www.bnacredibility.org.uk