'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
13th Apr 2018
Genome sequencing of first 50,000 UK Biobank participants
UK Biobank has announced a major initiative to sequence the full genomes of 50,000 UK Biobank volunteer participants.
Cutting through: overcoming the barriers to academic engagement with policy processes
Dr Lindsay Walker, Dr Lindsey Pike, Marsha Wood, and Dr Hannah Durrant on the need for researchers and policy decision-makers to work better together.
Brexit and research – What we know and what we don’t know
The Brexit and the Irish Border
Joanna Cox and Ciaran Molloy of the Institution of Engineering and Technology discuss their recent workshop on the Irish border and Brexit.
£8 million expansion of programme to commercialise research
Funding will accelerate the time it takes to get innovative ideas out of the university to the marketplace.
EU copyright reforms draw fire from scientists
Planned changes threaten open science, research advocates warn.
New awards aim to celebrate women in science
Prizes will reward outstanding scientific discovery and exceptional efforts to engage girls and young women in science.