'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
10th Jan 2023
The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) is delighted to announce a third call for Supporters of our initiatives for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in neuroscience, in particular the BNA Scholars Programme.
We are looking for individuals and organisations with a strong EDI commitment who can work with us to help build a supportive neuroscience community through networking opportunities, bursaries and mentorship.
Now in its third year the BNA Scholars programme was launched at the beginning of January 2021, and has enjoyed two years of success. In 2023 we welcome our third cohort, totalling the number of scholars to 21.
The programme was created in consultation with BNA members and others interested in improving EDI in neuroscience, to support students from currently under-represented ethnic groups in neuroscience and build a supportive community within the discipline and the BNA.
We have continued to expand the offer, in response to feedback from the inaugural cohort, and offer students a mentoring scheme, career development networking opportunities*, and membership to both the BNA and FENS, as well as funding towards conferences.
Having received an incredibly positive response to the first two fundings call, we have recieved support from fifteen organisations to date: Alzheimer's Research UK, Beckley Psytech, Bristol Neuroscience (University of Bristol), COMPASS Pathways, DeepMind, UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI), Dementia Researcher, Gatsby Foundation, Guarantors of Brain, Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College, Hello Bio, International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), School of Neuroscience - King's College London, London Metropolitan University, MSD, and Wellcome.
The cohesive commitment to the BNA Scholars programme, from organisations representing the full breadth of the neuroscience sector, covering academic, commercial, and third sector organisations, has shown how we can work together for the greater good; united in the goal of improving EDI in neuroscience.
EDI supporters are expected to demonstrate the following:
Please email Sophie Jerrold (Development Director) on sophie@bna.org.uk with approximately 200 words on your company/academic activities and research interests, as well as 200 words on why you want to support the programme, and what you think your company could contribute, including financial support. Please attach your equality, diversity and inclusion policy, or similar.
*Career development opportunities are especially important for broadening the career outlook and ambitions of the Scholars, introducing them to new professional pathways (across the whole of the sector), previously considered inaccessible due to perceived barriers.
If you’d like further information about the BNA Scholars Programme, please contact Dani Wijesinghe (BNA Community and Inclusion Officer).
The BNA team works with supporters and other organisations committed to increasing EDI in neuroscience, to help craft and deliver additional career development opportunities for the Scholars.The feedback from the scholars has been overwhelmingly positive, evidencing how important these opportunities are in creating a sense of belonging and community.
As part of the application, we'd welcome hearing about any opportunities your organisation could provide to the scholars.
(The BNA Scholars attending a career development event at COMPASS Pathways (CP) in May 2022)