'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
31st Mar 2017
The director of Wellcome, a major funder for neuroscience, has made a statement about what science needs from the Brexit settlement. The trust are now working with the UK government and other organisations like RSB, to achieve the best for UK science during the Brexit spilt.
Below is the update Jeremy Farrar has written:
Director's update: what science needs from the Brexit settlement
We know that as the UK starts the process to leave the EU, the potential of science and research to contribute to a better world will best be realised if all the nations involved recognise that knowledge and understanding do not stop at borders. No matter what the legal agreements that bind them, they will always accomplish more together than separately.
Wellcome believes wholeheartedly in the values of scientific excellence, international cooperation and collaboration, and will uphold them in our own work as we hope all the parties in the Brexit negotiations will in theirs.
Wellcome is now working with the UK Government and organisations that fund or directly carry out scientific research across the world, to achieve a Brexit settlement in which:
Whatever the Brexit negotiations may bring, Wellcome will continue to help researchers work together, wherever they are.