Brain Awareness Week calendar of events for the UK and Ireland
Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a global campaign, founded by The Dana Foundation, to engage and educate the public on the advances and advantages of brain research in a worldwide celebration of the brain!
This UK and Ireland events calendar will be continuously updated with new events - please check back for updates.
Although the official BAW dates are 11th-17th March there are lots of events before and after the week itself, so we have extended the calendar to make sure we don't miss anything out. We've also included brain-related events which aren't specifically being held for BAW, but we think are excellent opportunities to find out about neuroscience.
Enjoy BAW at a venue near you!
Know about an event which isn't listed here? Please let us know.
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Before 11th March
Saturday - 9th March
- 10:00 - 12:00, Birmingham - Centre for Human Brain Health tours
A series of guided tours around the newly opened Centre for Human Brain Health (CHBH) on the University of Birmingham campus with optional short talks from researchers.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
Sunday - 10th March
- 11:00 - 16:00, Cardiff - Brain Games 2019 | Gemau'r Ymennydd 2019
From sensory illusions and inflatable Brain Domes to ghost hands and ‘DIY brain surgery’ – Brain Games 2019 showcases the power and mystery of our most vital organ.
Organised by the Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute
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Monday - 11th March
- 9:30 - 12:00, Dublin - Love Your Brain Launch Event
This campaign aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of the brain and brain conditions as well as the need for more investment in services, research and prevention.
Organised by the Neurological Alliance of Ireland & FutureNeuro Research Centre
- 11:00 - 13:00, Glasgow - Caver Centre
An opportunity for those impacted by cavernoma to meet other people with the condition
Organised by the Cavernoma Alliance UK
- 11:00 - 14:00, Edinburgh - Scottish Chamber Orchestra ReConnect
A music workshop for people living with dementia and carers
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
- 16:00, Oxford - Facebook Live Event
Discover the latest insights from Oxford neuroscientists about how we learn.
Organised by the University of Oxford
- 17:30 - 19:00, Birmingham - "Sleep is of the brain, by the brain and for the brain"
As part of the LES Lecture Series, Dr Andrew Bagshaw (Co-Director of the Centre for Human Brain Health) will present a lecture entitled “Sleep is of the brain, by the brain and for the brain”.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
- 18:00 - 20:30, Exeter - Brain Awareness Week Seminar Series
Two evenings of talks which will introduce a diverse audience to a wide-range of neuroscientific findings.
Organised by the University of Exeter
- 20:00, Exeter - Ram Bar Brain Awareness Week Pub Quiz
This pub quiz will include some special brain related rounds, and all proceeds will go towards the Alzheimer’s Society.
Organised by the University of Exeter
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Tuesday - 12th March
- 9:00 - 16:00, Galway - My Amazing Brain
Public information exhibit ‘My Amazing Brain’ by staff and students of NUI Galway’s Neuroscience Centre
Organised by NUI Galway
- 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
- 17:00 - 23:00, Newcastle upon Tyne - Palace of Science
The central hall of Wylam Brewery is transformed into a show case of science, with various exhibitors setting up shop to demonstrate some of the wonders in their scientific field.
Organised by Newcastle University
- 18:00 - 20:30, Exeter - Brain Awareness Week Seminar Series
Two evenings of talks which will introduce a diverse audience to a wide-range of neuroscientific findings.
Organised by the University of Exeter
- 18:00 - 21:00, Galway - Brain Bee Competition
A neuroscience competition for secondary school students.
Organised by NUI Galway
- 18:30 - 19:30, Oxford - The Gut-Brain Axis and How What We Eat Affects How We Feel
Dr Phil Burnet will speak about how the gut microbiome can affect mood and mental health.
Organised by the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
- 21:00 - 22:00, London – Book Launch : Multilingual Neuropoetry
Join the author Dr Jayanthiny Kangatharan as she discusses live on air the very first book on poetry on the brain written in multiple languages.
Organised by Radio Harrow
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Wednesday - 13th March
- 10:00 - 14:00, Edinburgh - Curator tours of the Anatomical Museum
This is a rare chance to experience a guided tour of the Anatomical Museum and see one of the largest collections of Anatomy in the UK.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 10:00 - 15:00, Edinburgh - Clinical Drawings on Display
Lothian Health Services Archive has a fascinating collection of medical illustrations generated through the practice of Edinburgh neurosurgeon, Norman Dott (1897 – 1973).
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 10:30 - 16:00, Liverpool - Head Matters Tea Party
Organised by the Brain Charity
- 11:00 - 13:00, Cholsey - Caver Centre
An opportunity for those impacted by cavernoma to meet other people with the condition.
Organised by the Cavernoma Alliance UK
- 11:00 - 13:30, Newcastle upon Tyne - Making for the Light – the science of optogenetics
This extended session will provide an introduction to optogenetics and explore how it is being used to try and treat epilepsy.
Organised by Explore Lifelong Learning
- 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
- 12:00 - 12:45, Oxford - Self-care for a healthy brain
A webinar about simple, effective and affordable lifestyle approaches that you can take to improve your brain health.
Organised by Ludger
- 13:00 - 16:00, Leicester - Brain, Behaviour and Beyond
How do we think, listen, what makes us move, feel, what is happening in our brain?
Organised by the University of Leicester
- 15:00, Oxford - Facebook Live Event
Watch LIVE as Jacinta O'Shea demonstrates innovative techniques to help people re-learn after a stroke.
Organised by the University of Oxford
- 18:00 - 20:00, Leicester - Evening event Brain, Behaviour and Beyond
Talk and live hands-on demonstrations on many aspects of neuroscience research, including vision, taste, attention and movement and the opportunity to meet current students and scientists.
Organised by the University of Leicester
- 18:00 - 20:30, Exeter - Brain Awareness Week Seminar Series
Two evenings of talks which will introduce a diverse audience to a wide-range of neuroscientific findings.
Organised by the University of Exeter
- 18:30, London - Brain Buddy
A talk by neurologists John Duncan and Matthew Walker examining the effects of neurosurgery.
Organised by the National Brain Appeal
- 19:00 - 21:00, London - Neuroscience of Digital Distractions London - a talk by a TEDx speaker
Author of Homo Distractus Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina explores how the internet is changing our brain.
Organised by Consciously Digital
- 19:00 - 22:00, London - Migraine: The biggest brain disabler
An event aiming to raise awareness on migraine as a brain disorder, its global disability, the struggles in understanding the disease and identifying treatments and calling for more research in the field.
Organised by the Headache Centre, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation and King's College London
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Thursday - 14th March
10:00 - 14:00, Edinburgh - Curator tours of the Anatomical Museum
This is a rare chance to experience a guided tour of the Anatomical Museum and see one of the largest collections of Anatomy in the UK.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 11:00 - 13:00, Cardiff - Caver Centre
An opportunity for those impacted by cavernoma to meet other people with the condition.
Organised by Cavernoma Alliance UK
- 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
- 14:00 - 16:00, Edinburgh - Myths and Truths of the Creative Brain
Join Prof Anna Abraham for a talk about creativity.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 17:00 - 19:30, Dublin - Painting Music: sound as vision via synaesthesia
A live performance by synaesthete musician Svetlana Rudenko and a synaesthete artist (Dr Timothy Layden), who paints what he perceives visually in response to her music.
Organised by Neuroscience Ireland
- 17:30 - 20:00, Edinburgh - Neurotheatre
Edinburgh Medical School will be opening up the historic Anatomy Lecture Theatre for an immersive, captivating reenactment of brain surgery.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 18:00 - 23:00, Birmingham - Birmingham Brain Cafe
Leading brain researchers will present a series of informal talks at Cherry Red's Cafe Bar.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
- 18:45 - 21:30, Bradford - What your pet hamster can teach us about obesity
This talk will explore how understanding the brain systems in seasonal animals helps us understand ourselves.
Organised by the University of Bradford
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Friday - 15th March
- 10:00 - 12:00, Edinburgh - Family Zoetrope Workshop
Using the old art of the zoetrope, Whiffle Pig artists show the subtle changes in a person’s face which show with the decline of neurological damage and disease in this mixture of exhibition and interactive workshops.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
- 13:00 - 14:00, London - Hot Topics in Neuroscience Research
A special seminar to showcase some of the groundbreaking neuroscience research being undertaken in the Department of Life Sciences.
Organised by the University of Roehampton
- 14:00 - 16:00, Edinburgh - Family Animation Workshop
Create a short stop-motion animation that explores the genius and wonder of the brain.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 15:00, Oxford - 'Find the Brain' Game Results
Are you a crammer or a planner? Grab your phone and take part in the University of Oxford's game 'Find the Brain' to find out which is best! Watch the results being revealed live.
Organised by the University of Oxford
- 15:45 - 17:00, Edinburgh - Minds in Music - the interaction of music and mental health
An interactive session with Dr John Tully, a Forensic Psychiatrist and Wellcome Clinical Research Training Fellow at Kings College London.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 16:15 - 18:00, London - Other ways of communicating: Aphasia and Brain Awareness Week
A chance to appreciate the creative talents of people with aphasia.
Organised by University College London
- 18:00 - 20:00, Exeter - Neuroscience: Ask Me Anything
This event will give individuals the opportunity to chat with and ask questions to neuroscientists from a range of stages in their career.
Organised by the University of Exeter
- 19:00 - 20:30, Edinburgh - Brain Evolution in Concert
This remarkable combination of creative talent and neuroscientific knowledge will captivate Mad Hatter, Grey Matter audiences by offering insight to the evolution of the brain through music and song.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
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Saturday - 16th March
- 10:00 - 17:00, Cambridge - Cambridge Science Festival
Join CamBRAIN scientists to find out more about neuroscience.
Organised by CamBRAIN
- 10:30 - 14:00, London - Talk with Mr McEvoy followed by meet-up
A talk by Mr Andrew McEvoy, a world leading Consultant Neurosurgeon and expert in Cavernoma.
Organised by the Cavernoma Alliance UK
- 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
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Sunday - 17th March
- 11:00 - 11:45, Oxford - Self-care for a healthy brain
A webinar about simple, effective and affordable lifestyle approaches that you can take to improve your brain health.
Organised by Ludger
- 11:00 - 16:00, Birmingham - ‘Meet the Brain Experts’ at The ThinkTank Science Museum
Enthusiastic young scientists are invited to visit Thinktank for fun hands-on activities with professional scientists.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
- 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
- 12:00 - 16:00, Cambridge - Cambridge Science Festival
Join CamBRAIN scientists to find out more about neuroscience.
Organised by CamBRAIN
- 19:30 - 21:30, Glasgow - What Keeps You Sharp?
Dr Alan Gow explains how thinking skills change as we age, and how our lifestyles affect those changes.
Organised by Fair Pley

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After 17th March
Tuesday - 19th March
- 9:00 - 17:30, Basingstoke - How to be a Brain Friendly Trainer
In this workshop lasting three days you will learn how to apply neuroscience practically in a brain friendly learning environment.
Organised by Stellar Learning
Wednesday - 20th March
- 9:00 - 17:30, Basingstoke - How to be a Brain Friendly Trainer
In this workshop lasting three days you will learn how to apply neuroscience practically in a brain friendly learning environment.
Organised by Stellar Learning
- 16:00 - 17:00, Cambridge - The neuroscience of out-of-body experiences
Dr Jane Aspell, ARU discusses scientific explanations of OBEs, and describes why the science of OBEs can help us understand how the brain creates a ‘self’.
Organised by the University of Cambridge
Thursday - 21st March
- 9:00 - 17:30, Basingstoke - How to be a Brain Friendly Trainer
In this workshop lasting three days you will learn how to apply neuroscience practically in a brain friendly learning environment.
Organised by Stellar Learning
Friday - 22nd March
- 9:30 - 15:00, Basingstoke - Neuroscience for Learning and Development Masterclass
This practical one day Masterclass will give you new insights into the psychology and neuroscience you need to work with as a learning professional.
Organised by Stellar Learning
- 11:00 - 13:00, Edinburgh - Dance for your life
Learn from Prof Tara Spires-Jones how exercise reduces the risk of dementia then put this into practice in the ‘Day in the Life of a Strictly Celebrity’ workshop with Strictly Come Dancing Celebrity Russell Grant.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- 19:00 - 21:30, London - Desire and Destiny
A wonderful evening of opera with semi-staged opera scenes from Tosca, Carmen, Aida and Die Walküre.
Organised by the National Brain Appeal
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Greater London
- Monday 11th March - Sunday 17th March, 11:00 - 16:00, London - Train Your Brain Challenge
Take a memory test for the opportunity to win a bottle of Taittinger Champagne and a box of luxury chocolates.
Organised by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
- Tuesday 12th March, 21:00 - 22:00, London – Book Launch : Multilingual Neuropoetry
Join the author Dr Jayanthiny Kangatharan as she discusses live on air the very first book on poetry on the brain written in multiple languages.
Organised by Radio Harrow
- Wednesday 13th March, 18:30, London - Brain Buddy
A talk by neurologists John Duncan and Matthew Walker, examining the effects of neurosurgery.
Organised by the National Brain Appeal
- Wednesday 13th March, 19:00 - 21:00, London - Neuroscience of Digital Distractions London - a talk by a TEDx speaker
Author of Homo Distractus Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina explores how the internet is changing our brain.
Organised by Consciously Digital
- Wednesday 13th March, 19:00 - 22:00, London - Migraine: The biggest brain disabler
An event aiming to raise awareness on migraine as a brain disorder, its global disability, the struggles in understanding the disease and identifying treatments and calling for more research in the field.
Organised by the Headache Centre, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation and King's College London
- Friday 15th March, 13:00 - 14:00, London - Hot Topics in Neuroscience Research
A special seminar to showcase some of the groundbreaking neuroscience research being undertaken in the Department of Life Sciences.
Organised by the University of Roehampton
- Friday 15th March, 16:15 - 18:00, London - Other ways of communicating: Aphasia and Brain Awareness Week
A chance to appreciate the creative talents of people with aphasia.
Organised by University College London
- Saturday 16th March, 10:30 - 14:00, London - Talk with Mr McEvoy followed by meet-up

A talk by Mr Andrew McEvoy, a world leading Consultant Neurosurgeon and expert in Cavernoma.
Organised by the Cavernome Alliance UK
- Friday 22nd March, 19:00 - 21:30, London - Desire and Destiny
A wonderful evening of opera with semi-staged opera scenes from Tosca, Carmen, Aida and Die Walküre.
Organised by the National Brain Appeal
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South East
- Monday 11th March, 16:00, Oxford - Facebook Live Event
Discover the latest insights from Oxford neuroscientists about how we learn.
Organised by the University of Oxford
- Tuesday 12th March, 18:30 - 19:30, Oxford - The Gut-Brain Axis and How What We Eat Affects How We Feel
Dr Phil Burnet will speak about how the gut microbiome can affect mood and mental health.
Organised by the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
- Wednesday 13th March, 11:00 - 13:00, Cholsey - Caver Centre
An opportunity for those impacted by cavernoma to meet other people with the condition.
Organised by the Cavernoma Alliance UK
- Wednesday 13th March, 12:00 - 12:45, Oxford - Self-care for a healthy brain
A webinar about simple, effective and affordable lifestyle approaches that you can take to improve your brain health.
Organised by Ludger
- Wednesday 13th March, 15:00, Oxford - Facebook Live Event
Watch LIVE as Jacinta O'Shea demonstrates innovative techniques to help people re-learn after a stroke.
Organised by the University of Oxford
- Friday 15th March, 15:00, Oxford - 'Find the Brain' Game Results
Are you a crammer or a planner? Grab your phone and take part in the University of Oxford's game 'Find the Brain' to find out which is best! Watch the results being revealed live.
Organised by the University of Oxford
- Sunday 17th March, 11:00 - 11:45, Oxford - Self-care for a healthy brain
A webinar about simple, effective and affordable lifestyle approaches that you can take to improve your brain health.
Organised by Ludger
- Tuesday 19th March - Thursday 21st March, 9:00 - 17:30, Basingstoke - How to be a Brain Friendly Trainer
In this workshop you will learn how to apply neuroscience practically in a brain friendly learning environment.
Organised by Stellar Learning
- Friday 22nd March, 9:30 - 15:00, Basingstoke - Neuroscience for Learning and Development Masterclass
This practical one day Masterclass will give you new insights into the psychology and neuroscience you need to work with as a learning professional.
Organised by Stellar Learning
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South West
- Monday 11th March, 20:00, Exeter - Ram Bar Brain Awareness Week Pub Quiz
This pub quiz will include some special brain related rounds, and all proceeds will go towards the Alzheimer’s Society.
Organised by the University of Exeter
- Tuesday 12th March - Wednesday 13th March, 18:00 - 20:30, Exeter - Brain Awareness Week Seminar Series
Two evenings of talks which will introduce a diverse audience to a wide-range of neuroscientific findings.
Organised by the University of Exeter
- Friday 15th March, 18:00 - 20:00, Exeter - Neuroscience: Ask Me Anything
This event will give individuals the opportunity to chat with and ask questions to neuroscientists from a range of stages in their career.
Organised by the University of Exeter
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- Sunday 10th March, 11:00 - 16:00, Cardiff - Brain Games 2019 | Gemau'r Ymennydd 2019
From sensory illusions and inflatable Brain Domes to ghost hands and ‘DIY brain surgery’ – Brain Games 2019 showcases the power and mystery of our most vital organ.
Organised by the Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute
- Thursday 14th March, 11:00 - 13:00, Cardiff - Caver Centre
An opportunity for those impacted by cavernoma to meet other people with the condition.
Organised by the Cavernoma Alliance UK
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North East
- Tuesday 12th March, 17:00 - 23:00, Newcastle upon Tyne - Palace of Science
The central hall of Wylam Brewery is transformed into a show case of science, with various exhibitors setting up shop to demonstrate some of the wonders in their scientific field.
Organised by Newcastle University
- Wednesday 13th March, 11:00 - 13:30, Newcastle upon Tyne - Making for the Light – the science of optogenetics
This extended session will provide an introduction to optogenetics and explore how it is being used to try and treat epilepsy.
Organised by Explore Lifelong Learning
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- Monday 11th March, 11:00 - 13:00, Glasgow - Caver Centre
An opportunity for those impacted by cavernoma to meet other people with the condition.
Organised by the Cavernoma Alliance UK
- Wednesday 13th March, 10:00 - 14:00, Edinburgh - Curator tours of the Anatomical Museum
This is a rare chance to experience a guided tour of the Anatomical Museum and see one of the largest collections of Anatomy in the UK.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Saturday 13 March, 10:00 - 15:00, Edinburgh - Clinical Drawings on Display
Lothian Health Services Archive has a fascinating collection of medical illustrations generated through the practice of Edinburgh neurosurgeon, Norman Dott (1897 – 1973).
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Thursday 14th March, 10:00 - 14:00, Edinburgh - Curator tours of the Anatomical Museum
This is a rare chance to experience a guided tour of the Anatomical Museum and see one of the largest collections of Anatomy in the UK.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
Thursday 14 March,14:00 - 16:00, Edinburgh - Myths and Truths of the Creative Brain
Join Prof Anna Abraham for a talk about creativity.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Thursday 14th March, 17:30 - 20:00, Edinburgh - Neurotheatre
Edinburgh Medical School will be opening up the historic Anatomy Lecture Theatre for an immersive, captivating reenactment of brain surgery.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Friday 15th March, 10:00 - 12:00, Edinburgh - Family Zoetrope Workshop
Using the old art of the zoetrope, Whiffle Pig artists show the subtle changes in a person’s face which show with the decline of neurological damage and disease in this mixture of exhibition and interactive workshops.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Friday 15th March, 14:00 - 16:00, Edinburgh - Family Animation Workshop
Facilitated by Whifflepig CIC, you will create a short, stop-motion animation that explores the genius and wonder of the brain.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Friday 15th March, 15:45 - 17:00, Edinburgh - Minds in Music - the interaction of music and mental health
An interactive session with Dr John Tully, a Forensic Psychiatrist and Wellcome Clinical Research Training Fellow at Kings College London.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Friday 15th March, 19:00 - 20:30, Edinburgh - Brain Evolution in Concert
This remarkable combination of creative talent and neuroscientific knowledge will captivate Mad Hatter, Grey Matter audiences by offering insight to the evolution of the brain through music and song.
Organised by the University of Edinburgh
- Sunday 17th March, 19:30 - 21:30, Glasgow - What Keeps You Sharp?
Dr Alan Gow explains how thinking skills change as we age, and how our lifestyles affect those changes.
Organised by Fair Pley
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East Midlands
- Wednesday 13th March, 13:00 - 16:00, Leicester - Brain, Behaviour and Beyond
How do we think, listen, what makes us move, feel, what is happening in our brain?
Organised by the University of Leicester
- Wednesday 13th March, 18:00 - 20:00, Leicester - Evening Event Brain, Behaviour and Beyond
Along with talks there will be live hands-on demonstrations on many aspects of neuroscience research, including vision, taste, attention and movement and the opportunity to meet current students and scientists.
Organised by the University of Leicester
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West Midlands
- Saturday 9th March, 10:00 - 12:00, Birmingham - Centre for Human Brain Health tours
‘A series of guided tours around the newly opened Centre for Human Brain Health (CHBH) on the University of Birmingham campus with optional short talks from researchers.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
- Monday 11th March, 17:30 - 19:00, Birmingham - "Sleep is of the brain, by the brain and for the brain"
As part of the LES Lecture Series, Dr Andrew Bagshaw (Co-Director of the Centre for Human Brain Health) will present a lecture entitled “Sleep is of the brain, by the brain and for the brain”.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
- Thursday 14th March, 18:00 - 23:00, Birmingham - Birmingham Brain Cafe
Leading brain researchers will present a series of informal talks at Cherry Red's Cafe Bar.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
- Sunday 17th March, 11:00 - 16:00, Birmingham - ‘Meet the Brain Experts’ at The ThinkTank Science Museum
Enthusiastic young scientists are invited to visit Thinktank for fun hands-on activities with professional scientists.
Organised by the University of Birmingham
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Yorkshire and the Humber
- Thursday 14th March, 18:45 - 21:30, Bradford - What your pet hamster can teach us about obesity
This talk will explore how understanding the brain systems in seasonal animals helps us understand ourselves.
Organised by the University of Bradford
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East of England
- Saturday 16th March 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday 12:00 - 16:00, Cambridge - Cambridge Science Festival
Join CamBRAIN scientists to find out more about neuroscience.
Organised by CamBRAIN
- Wednesday 20th March, 16:00 - 17:00, Cambridge - The neuroscience of out-of-body experiences
Dr Jane Aspell, ARU discusses scientific explanations of OBEs, and describes why the science of OBEs can help us understand how the brain creates a ‘self’.
Organised by the University of Cambridge
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- Monday 11th March, 9:30 - 12:00, Dublin - Love Your Brain Launch Event
This campaign aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of the brain and brain conditions as well as the need for more investment in services, research and prevention.
Organised by the Neurological Alliance of Ireland & FutureNeuro Research Centre
- Tuesday 12th March, 9:00 - 16:00, Galway - My Amazing Brain
Public information exhibit ‘My Amazing Brain’ by staff and students of NUI Galway’s Neuroscience Centre.
Organised by NUI Galway
- Tuesday 12th March, 18:00 - 21:00, Galway - Brain Bee Competition
A neuroscience competition for secondary school students.
Organised by NUI Galway
- Thursday 14th March, 17:00 - 19:30, Dublin - Painting Music: sound as vision via synaesthesia
A live performance by synaesthete musician Svetlana Rudenko and a synaesthete artist (Dr Timothy Layden) who paints what he perceives visually in response to her music.
Organised by Neuroscience Ireland
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