What is Pint of Science?
Tickets are now available for Pint of Science 2019, a festival that brings brilliant scientists to your local pub. You don't need any prior knowledge, you simply sign up and come along to meet the people responsible for the future of science (and have a pint with them).
How did it start?
In 2012 Drs Michael Motskin and Praveen Paul, two research scientists at Imperial College London, held their first event, ‘Meet the Researchers’, which brought people affected by Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis into their research labs. It was inspirational for both visitors and researchers and they thought, if people want to come into labs to meet scientists, why not bring the scientists out to the people? And so, Pint of Science was born. In May 2013 they held the first Pint of Science festival. It quickly took off around the world and now happens in nearly 300 cities.
How do I get involved?
This year’s festival takes place from the 20th-22nd May across more than 40 cities in the UK.
To make it easier for you to spot the neuroscience, we have collated all the events related to the brain and nervous system (there are lots!) and put them into one list, below. Find your local region and explore now!
Events by region and date
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Greater London
Monday - 20th May
- 19:00 - 21:30, The Bedford, London – Sleepy, Happy, Grumpy? Linking sleep, mental health and well being
‘“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep,” a wise man once said’ – Dr Donna Littlewood
‘Sleep, well-being and health: myths and truths’ – Prof. Derk-Jan Dijk
- 19:30 - 21:30, Williamson's Tavern, London – Learn through your eyes
‘Cracking the visual code’ – Tom Shallcross
‘In order to see with your eyes, first learn to imagine with your mind’ – Ali Eslami
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Water Rats, London – Mind over matter
‘The Neural Fingerprints of a Missing Hand’ – Dr Tamar Makin
‘Hearing loss and dementia, from epidemiology to prevention trials’ – Dr. Sergi Costafreda
- 19:30 - 21:30, Sekforde Arms, London – Mind the body: How the brain perceives our bodies
‘Being Human! With a deep body in mind’ – Professor Manos Tsakiris
‘How do our brains perceive emotions?’ – Vasiliki Meletaki
'A Short Story About Brains, Bodies and Art’ – Beatriz Calvo-Merino, PhD
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Devereux, London – Highly Sensitive Minds: From Laughter to Challenge
‘Strong and funny: when fools make us laugh, that's how they cast a spell on us’ – Dr Maria Grazia Turri
‘Are some people more sensitive than others?’ – Dr Michael Pluess
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:00 - 21:30, The Water Rats, London – Speechless
‘Language - how it develops, and how we lose it’ – Dr Jonathan Rohrer
‘Losing speech - developing language impairment in frontotemporal dementia’ – Rhian Convery
'The anatomy of progressive language problems' - Mollie Neason
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Bedford, London – Depression and self-harm
‘Understanding self-harm' – Dr Martina Di Simplicio
‘Treatment-resistant depression: are psychedelics the answer?’ – Taylor Lyons
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Devereux, London – How to Reach the Ultimate Nirvana... Legally!
‘Benefits of getting some headspace: the science behind digital mindfulness’ – Charlotte Hilton
‘Breathing and relaxation: an evident relationship?’ – Dr Elke Vlemincx
- 19:30 - 21:30, Sekforde Arms, London – Fear, Focus and Fakery: Psychology and the Unexpected
‘Hearing the Light: Skipping Pylons and the Strange Sound of Silent Motion’ – Dr. Elliot Freeman
‘The persistence of Misinformation and Ineffectiveness of Corrections’ – Dr. Saoirse Connor Desai
‘Terrorism, Brexit, Donald Trump and Road Accidents: Effects of Emotions on Decisions’ – Professor Peter Ayton
- 19:30 - 21:30, Williamson's Tavern, London – Our Play-Doh brains
‘Separating the wheat from the chaff: Habituation as a foundation for cognition’ – Dr Sam Cooke
‘The brain in health and disease - how we are wired for change’ – Dr Stephanie Forkel
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Stag, London – Getting on your Nerves!
‘Blood, circuits and maths’ – Eleanor Doman
‘Computational modelling of nerve regeneration’ – Simão Jacques
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00 - 21:30, The Bedford, London – Dimensions of dementia research: from labs to living rooms
‘AI and Technology for Dementia Care’ – Prof. Payam Barnaghi
‘Building a brain in a dish: how can stem cells help us understand dementia?’ – Dr Selina Wray
- 19:30 - 21:30, Williamson's Tavern, London – Now you see me, now you don't
‘Zombie neurons in fruit flies' – Dr Darren Williams
‘New neurons in the adult brain: Really? What are they for and how can I make some more?’ – Dr Sandrine Thuret
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Griff Inn Bar & Kitchen, London – Stem Cells Getting on Your Nerves?
‘Out with the old, in with the new' – Dr Rickie Patani
‘The unprecedented power of human-derived stem cells’ – Dr Jacob Neeves
‘ALS: more than just a neuronal disease? The nervous system’s social network’ – Ben Clarke
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Devereux, London – I’m Losing Control! Help!!
‘Insides of a K-Hole: how to stop time and where is my Porsche?' – Dr Arturas Volianskis
‘Focusing on (tech) solutions not problems - treating chronic depression’ – Dr Sandrine Thuret
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Water Rats, London – Brain, the organ that studies itself
‘Consequences of learning from our world' – Dr. Neil Garret
‘Do we know what we are about to do?' – Elisabeth Pares
‘Thinking meta: how to build a self-aware brain’ – Dr Steve Fleming
- 19:30 - 21:30, Sekforde Arms, London – The Complexities of the Mind in Social Interaction
‘How Not to Give Advice' – Dr. Andreas Kappes
‘How Our Body Experience Helps us to Understand Others' Actions’ – Sonia Abad Hernando
‘Contagious Yawning Across Species and From Robots Too!’ – Dr. Ramiro M. Joly-Mascheroni
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South East
Monday - 20th May
- 19:00, The Southsea Village, Portsmouth – Body vs Mind
‘First steps in forming the brain' – Dr Frank Schubert
‘No pain, no gain! What have we really gained from pain research?’ – Dr Miznah Al-Abbadey
'Do You Remember Where You Were on 9/11? The Mystery of Flashbulb Memories' - Dr Jonathan Koppel
- 19:30 - 21:30, Walkabout Reading, Reading – From Language Learning to Loss
‘Learn languages for a healthy brain!’ – Dr Christos Pliatsikas
'At a loss for words' - Willemijn Doedens
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Oxford Retreat, Oxford – Brain invaders
‘Brain Invaders’ – Calliope Dendrou
‘What happens when your brain’s pipes break?’ – Daniel Beard
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Stable, Southampton – I Sense, Therefore I Am
‘Searching for Targets in Real-World Tasks’ – Dr Hayward Godwin
‘Communicating in Noisy Places. How the Ear and Auditory Brain Process Sound and what Happens when it Goes Wrong’ – Alan Sanderson
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Weyside, Guildford – Amazing Brain
‘Autism and the Value of Autistic Friendship’ – Monique Botha
'How your brain creates disease/illness’ – Laura Carter
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:00, The Southsea Village, Portsmouth – What You See Is Not What You Get
‘Hindsight bias: On being wise after the event’ – Dr Hartmut Blank
'Mind games: trick or truth?' - Edward Morrison
''Star cells' and portraits of the brain' - Professor Arthur Butt
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Stable, Southampton – Self in Society
‘The Elusive Allure of Seeing Yourself Negatively: Fact or Fiction?’ – Dr Aiden P Gregg
‘Psychological factors in homelessness: Why do people sleep on the streets in 21st Century Britain?’ – Dr Nick Maguire
- 19:30 - 21:30, Juniper Berry, Southampton – Nerve cells, networks and Alzheimer's disease
‘Brain networks and precious plasticity’ – Lauren McNicholas
‘Nerve cells unplugged’ – Dr Katrin Deinhardt
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Oxford Retreat, Oxford – Does technology threaten our survival?
‘Does technology threaten our survival?' – Anna Machin
- 19:30 - 21:30, Walkabout Reading, Reading – Brain Cells & Worms v. Dementia & Parkinson's!
‘Parkinson’s, DNA and…Microscopic Worms?’ – Rachael Chandler
‘Building a brain in a dish: how can stem cells help us understand dementia?’ – Dr Selina Wray
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00, The Southsea Village, Portsmouth – What Speaks Louder Than Words?
‘Can you see what I am saying?’ – Eglantine Julle-Danière
‘Decoding baby cries’ – Dr Erik Gustafsson
‘What can we learn from macaques?’ – Jérôme Micheletta
- 19:00 - 21:30, Slug and Lettuce, Oxford – Glia and dementia - more than just the support act
‘Inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease: a search for new drug targets’ – Dr Emma Mead
‘Brain glue: sticking it to dementia’ – Dr Mark Dallas
- 19:30 - 21:30, House Bar, Oxford – Food for thought - our brain and our diet
‘How can your brain control your weight?’ – Prof Ana Domingos
'The importance of eating your greens: how iron deficiency causes heart disease' - Prof Samira Lakhal-Littleton
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Oxford Retreat, Oxford – Mental illness and crime
‘Victims and perpetrators - born and made?’ – Prof Lucy Bowes
'Mental illness and crime: from police arrest to Broadmoor' - Dr Howard Ryland
- 19:30 - 21:30, Walkabout Reading, Reading – Brain Control: Hormones to Computers
‘Why are we social animals? From hormones to behaviour' – Dr Nandini Vasudevan
'Brain Computer Interfaces: fad or future?' - Professor Slawomir Nasuto
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Stable, Southampton – Mind Your Health
‘The Sanity of Madness' – Professor David Kingdon
'Why cannabis is a bad idea if you are vulnerable to psychosis?' - Dr Katherine Newman-Taylor and Dr Tom Richardson
- 19:30 - 21:30, Ye Olde Ship Inn, Guildford – The truth is inside us
‘The impact of inclusion on children with autism – Dr Anna Cook
'What should we believe? – telling apart fact from fiction in research' - Professor Jane Ogden
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South West
Monday - 20th May
- 19:00 - 21:00, The Four Horsemen Pub, Bournemouth - Topics in Forensic Psychology
'Pupil dilation: A widow to the mind?' - Dr Janice Attard-Johnson
'Do some people possess super-human face recognition skills?' - Dr Emma Portch
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Greenbank, Bristol - Sleep and Other Drugs
'Sleep in your genes? Overnight brain waves in health and disease' - Matt Jones
'Are drugs of abuse the solution to treating major depression?' - Emma Robinson
- 19:30 - 21:30, Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM), Exeter - Illusions and Epilepsy
'The science of illusions: What can illusions tell us about how we perceive the world?' - Dr Gavin Buckingham
'A Fun Quiz does epilepsy' - John Terry
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:00 - 21:00, The Four Horsemen Pub, Bournemouth - Human Brain: it's role in reading, face-recognition and emotion
'How faces are special for the brain?' - Professor Changhong Liu
'How to read worse' - Dr Bernhard Angele
'Emotion and cognition in brain injury' - Dr Shanti Shanker
- 19:30 - 21:30, Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM), Exeter - Depression and Dementia
'Why do sudden improvements happen in psychological therapies for depression?' - Asha Ladwa
'Going to the museum together: how museums can support people with dementia and carers' - Debbie Kinsey
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Greenbank, Bristol - Seeing is Believing?
'The Wonder of Seeing' - Iain Gilchrist
'Disabling or Enabling a Digital World' - Greig Dickson and Ute Leonards
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00 - 21:00, The Four Horsemen Pub, Bournemouth - All in your head? Topics on Mental health and wellbeing
'Enhancing the well-being of older men with dementia' - Dr Ben Hicks
'Uncertainty and Control: How people with obsessive-compulsive disorders cope with decision-making in gambling tasks?' - Dr Ellen Seiss
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Greenbank, Bristol - Addiction: Mind over matter?
'Why do People Smoke?' - Marcus Munafò
'What is the relationship between anxiety and alcohol use?' - Maddy Dyer
- 19:30 - 21:30, Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM), Exeter - All you need is love
'Brain rhythms controlling reproduction' - Margaritis Voliotis
'Self-compassion: a new way to improve mental health in adolescents' - Mengya Zhao
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Monday - 20th May
- 19:00 - 21:00, No Sign Bar, Swansea – Food for thought
‘Eating a varied diet: the good, the bad and the ugly’ – Dr Laura Wilkinson
‘Can nutrition make you smarter?’ – Gang Han
- 19:30 - 21:30, Head of Steam, Cardiff – Tinder and Terror
‘Social Media, Smartphones and Sex’ – Dr Martin Graff
‘Ghosts, Ghouls and Talking to the Dead: A Critical Exploration of Spooky Phenomena’
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:00 - 21:30, Old Market Tavern, Cardiff – Delving into dementia
‘How can we use a computer to better understand dementia?’ – Dr Georgina Menzies
‘Unpicking risk genes’ – Dr Adele Pryce-Roberts
- 19:30 - 21:30, No Sign Bar, Swansea – The science of sleep
‘Myths about sleep’ – Dr Megan Crawford
‘Dream a little dream: Does dreaming have any function?’ – Prof Mark Blagrove
- 19:30 - 21:30, Head of Steam, Cardiff – Immunity and Trauma
‘Looking at causes for PTSD beyond trauma’ – Dr Chantelle Wiseman
‘The not-so-privileged brain’ – Dr Niels Haan
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00 - 21:00, No Sign Bar, Swansea – Decision making
‘Decisions... Decisions...’ – Lauren Burns
‘ACTing in society’ – Dr Darren Edwards
- 19:30 - 21:30, Head of Steam, Cardiff – Deciphering Dementia
‘Gene editing: the future for dementia treatments?’ – Professor Vincent Dion
‘Me, Myself and Fly’ – Dr Gaynor Smith and Dr Owen Peters
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North West
Monday - 20th May
- 19:30 - 21:30, Didsbury Sports Ground, Manchester – Breaking the stigma: discussing the taboo topics of today's society.
‘How can we help autism spectrum disorder (ASD)’ – Professor Jonathan Green
‘Beyond suicide awareness: research that saves lives’ – Dr Pauline Turnbull
'The Schizophrenia ‘epidemic’ among people of African and Caribbean descent' - Dr Dawn Edge
- 19:30 - 21:30, Oh Me Oh My, Liverpool – Exploring the Moral Maze
‘The brand in the hand: What do young people think about being targeted in social media?’ – Dr Magdalena Muc Da Encarnacao
‘Beyond the birds and the bees: Searching for your relatives online by DNA linking' – Dr Lucy Frith
‘What happened when we tried to correct the record on 58 mis-reported clinical trials' – Dr Aaron Dale
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:30 - 21:30, Didsbury Sports Ground, Manchester – Remember Remember Alzheimer's and Dementia
‘What happens to the brain in Alzheimer's disease?’ – Dr Richard Unwin
‘Would you like to reduce your risk of developing dementia?’ – Professor Nigel Hooper
'Dementia doesn’t discriminate but addressing it does' - Nadine Mirza
- 19:30 - 21:30, Oh Me Oh My, Liverpool – An Evening of Abnormal Eating, Pretend Drinking and Smelling Wee
‘Chris Deputy: Host for the evening’ – Chris Deputy
‘Abnormal eating: The secret to being thin and healthy' – Dr Eric Robinson
'I have drunk therefore I am - Intoxication without alcohol' - Dr Paul Christiansen
'UR-INe Trouble: A history of urine in health & disease' - Dr Elinor Chapman
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:30 - 21:30, Oh Me Oh My, Liverpool – A Journey to the Tropics
‘Beyond pills and tests: Addressing poverty to end tuberculosis’ – Dr Tom Wingfield
‘The enablers and challenges to providing maternity care in low-resource settings’ – Ms Terry Kana
'Border control: Housing, mosquitoes and malaria' - Ms Joanna Furnival-Adams
- 19:30 - 21:30, Didsbury Sports Ground, Manchester – "Don't fight blind! - treating problems with the wonders of neuroimaging"
‘Predicting the Impact of Brain Surgery Using Pseudo-Neurosurgery’ – Natalie Busby
‘Medical images as measurements of tissue function’ – Dr Ben Dickie
‘Myths and Facts about Alzheimer's disease’ – Dr Helen Beaumont
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North East
Monday - 20th May
- 19:30 - 21:30, Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Lost In Translation
'House of Wax: Mysteries words solve… and create' - Dr. Lauren Ackerman
'How easily are consumers persuaded?' - Dr. Joan Harvey
- 19:30 - 22:00, The Old Laundrette, Durham – Live well with Pain
‘Understanding and coping with chronic pain: drugs and beyond’ – Dr Frances Cole, Dr Paul Chazot, Ilona Obara and Joanna Quinlan
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:30 - 21:30, Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Space and Lies
'To Mars and beyond' - Jonathan Laws
'Lunar lies and the flat Earth' - Professor Nick Neaves
- 19:30 - 22:00, The Old Laundrette, Durham – Emotional communication in humans and great apes
‘How the brain enables us to interpret emotional body movements’ – Dr. Anthony Atkinson
‘Expressions of emotion and the evolution of empathy: Insights from our great ape relatives’ – Dr Zanna Clay
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:30 - 21:30, Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Happy Healthy Minds
'What is mindfulness, and what are its benefits?' - Michael Atkinson
'Emotion regulation and mania - Dr Alyson Dodd
- 19:30 - 22:00, The Old Laundrette, Durham – The developing brain
‘Learning how to make good decisions in an uncertain world?’ – Reny Kiryakova
‘Mind Your Step: Learning to Walk in Complex Environments’ – Rachel Mowbray
‘My virtual body: Using VR to understand own-body awareness’ – Sam Keenaghan
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Monday - 20th May
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Cuckoo's Nest, Edinburgh, Music and the Mind
'The Beautiful, Musical Mind' - Dr Katie Overy
'Homeless singers: the mental & social benefits of choirs' - Shelley Coyne
- 19:30 - 22:00, Butterfly and Pig, Glasgow - Beyond A Beautiful Mind: What We Know About Schizophrenia
'Smartphones for Schizophrenia, Seriously?' - Stephanie Allan
'Schizophrenia Under a Microscope' - Ashleigh Willis
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Cuckoo's Nest, Edinburgh - Can we talk about depression?
'Compassion and Depression' - Dr Stella Chan
'The Gripless Grip: A Predictive Processing Take on Enlightenment' - Dr Mark Miller
- 19:30 - 22:00, Butterfly and Pig, Glasgow - The Odd One Out: Why do we treat some people differently?
'Does genius come gift wrapped?' - Prof. Niamh Stack
'First impressions, Faces and Culture' - Prof. Ben Jones
'Family Matters' - Prof. Lisa DeBruine
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00 - 21:00, Inn at the Park, Aberdeen, Alzheimer`s and Obesity
'Alzheimer’s disease and Type 2 Diabetes - what links the two?' - Ruta Dekeryte
'Blame it on science?' - Dr Annesha Sil
'Alzheimer’s disease: the basic science and why finding a cure is taking so long' - Eline Dreesen
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Cuckoo's Nest, Edinburgh - Deconstructing Dementia
'Unconventional Dementia Care' - Dr Azucena Guzman
'The Language of Dementia' - Brittany Blankinship
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East Midlands
Monday - 20th May
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Waterfront, Nottingham – Love and Other Drugs
‘Cannabis and the Brain: "It’s Complicated”’ – Steve Alexander
‘Love, Love Styles and Intimate Relationships' – Dr Maria Kontogianni
'When Love Becomes Criminal' - Simon Duff
- 19:30 - 21:30, Spirits Bar, Leicester – Making Sense of the World
‘“Coulda, woulda, shoulda”: The link between your thoughts, actions and emotions’ – Dr Caren Frosch
‘Snapshots from the eyes: Using eye movements to understand how we read’ – Dr Ascen Pagan, Dr Kayleigh Warrington and Dr Sarah White
'Bubbles of thought: How the brain communicates' - Dr Vincenzo Marra
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Waterfront, Nottingham – Mental Health and Me
‘Notts County Can Be Good For My Mental Health? Really!!?' – Alan Pringle and Nigel Plant
‘Bells and Smells : Predicting Psychosis Before the Symptoms’ – Dr Paula Moran
'Better the Devil You Know: How Our Brain Responds to Rejection and Criticism' - Dr. Preethi Premkuma
- 19:30 - 21:30, Rough Trade, Nottingham – Of Mice and Men
‘Chrononutrition - Is When We Eat As Important As What We Eat?' – Fran Ebling
‘The Blockage of Stroke Research in Animals’ – Jewel Ahmed
'Should We Label Medicines As Tested on Animals?' - Pru Hobson-West and Renelle McGlacken
- 19:30 - 21:30, Parliament Bar, Nottingham – Technology for the Mind: It’s a No Brainer!
‘NeuroCinema - adventures in brain controlled movies' – Richard Ramchurn
‘Virtual Reality Therapy to Improve Mental Health’ – Aislinn Bergin, Jen Martin, Mike Craven and Sue Brown
'Quantum Sensing of Magnetic "Brain Waves"' - Elena Boto
- 19:30 - 21:30, Spirits Bar, Leicester – Sensory Overload
‘Smells like emotion: How odours change our world' – Dr Stephanie Cook
‘Social media and mental health’ – Dr Michelle O’Reilly
'Why we eat the food we do: The neuroscience of feeding' - Dr. Jaime McCutcheon
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Waterfront, Nottingham – Don’t Forget About Your Memory!
‘The More The Better? Increased Brain Activity Can Be Bad For Your Memory and Attention!' – Tobias Bast
‘Using Gaze to Understand Recognition’ – Dr Jasper Robinson
‘10 Things Everyone Should Know About Memory’ – Lucy Justice
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Herbert Kilpin, Nottingham – Language & Emotion
‘The Impact of Linguistic Reclamation on Taboo Language Processing' – Daniel Edmondson
‘Heroic Boys and Friendly Girls? A Comparison of How LEGO® CITY and LEGO® FRIENDS Represent the World and Children’s Place Within It’ – Emma Putland
‘Everybody’s Business: Understanding and Responding To Self-harm and Suicidality’ – Emma Nielsen
- 19:30 - 21:30, Spirits Bar, Leicester – Matter Over Mind
‘The forgetting machine' – Professor Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
‘Can a pacemaker for the brain provide an escape from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?’ – Dr Annemieke Apergis-Schoute
‘Brain puzzles: Understanding neurodegenerative diseases’ – Professor Flaviano Giorgini
- 19:30 - 21:30, Lion & Snake, Lincoln – From mind games to the Black Death
‘Messing with the mind – manipulating our body experiences' – Dr Kirsty Miller
‘Catching the Black Death – latest news and views on history’s biggest killer’ – Professor Carenza Lewis
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West Midlands
Monday - 20th May
- 19:00 - 21:00, Cherry's Red, Birmingham – Baby brains: a window on development
‘A blooming buzzing confusion? Origins of multisensory perception in human infancy’ – Dr Andy Bremner
‘Looking inside the developing brain with MEG’ – Dr Caroline Witton
- 19:30 - 21:30, Shop Front Theatre, Coventry – Daydream believer
‘Listen Carefully: Auditory Illusions and Tricks’ – Dr Cynthia Siew
'The Importance of Sleep' - Dr Anna Joyce
'Cognitive Science of Creativity and Imagination' - Dr Valerie Van Mulukom
- 19:30 - 21:30, Mellards, Stoke-on-Trent – Psychologically Speaking
‘The psychology of superheroes’ – Dr Yvonne Skipper
'How creative are young children?' - Dr Sarah Rose
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Paul Pry, Worcester – Mental health and dementia: seeing the person
‘The happiest time of your life? Mental health in the perinatal period’ – Jo Johnson
'Dementia: perceptions & realities' - Professor Tracey Williamson
'Can do, if you’ll give me the chance: people with dementia and their families engaging in sport and physical activity, how this feels and what it means' - Chris Russell
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:00 - 20:15, The Paul Pry, Worcester – Parenting in the military family
‘Parenting challenges for military families: protecting parents' and young children's health and wellbeing’ – Dr Gabriela Misca, Professor Mary Nolan
- 19:00 - 21:00, Cherry Reds, Birmingham – Rhythmic brains: a window on neural oscillations
‘What brain rhythms can reveal about our resiliencies and vulnerabilities’ – Dr Ali Mazaheri
'Rhythm makes the world go round: How brain rhythms help us understand another’s perspective' - Professor Klaus Kessler
- 19:30 - 21:30, Shop Front Theatre, Coventry – What ARE you thinking?
‘The gift of a dyslexic mind’ – Dr Rosa Kwok
'If I change your mind: you might feel better!' - Ms Elaine Davies
'Virtual Therapy - does it work in reality?' - Farah Elahi
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00 - 21:00, Cherry's Red, Birmingham – Talking brains: a window on language
‘Listening to learn: How do toddlers uncover what words mean?' – Dr Kate Messenger
'Using language with an ageing brain: How exercise can help you recall words' - Dr Katrien Segaert
- 19:00 - 21:00, The Church, Birmingham – Ageing Body, Ageing Mind
‘Disease models in a dish: Can tissue engineering allow us to study neurodegeneration?' – Dr Eric Hill
'Healthy Ageing – Is it possible and how?' - Professor Janet Lord
- 19:30 - 21:30, Mellards, Stoke-on-Trent – Perception and Parkinson's
‘A dream within a dream? How the brain plays tricks on us' – Dr John Butcher
'Can we build a brain in a dish?' - Professor Rosemary Fricker
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Paul Pry, Worcester – To attract or not to attract? A 21st century question
‘Do altruists attract?' – Dr Daniel Farrelly
'Sexual orientation conversion therapy: rhetoric, rubbish or realism?' - Dr Béré Mahoney and Jimmy Couzens
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Yorkshire and the Humber
Monday - 20th May
- 19:00 - 21:30, The Bath Hotel, Sheffield – Thinking about thinking
‘Where are my keys? Have I lost my mind?’ – Laura Wright
'Computation in the brain' - Dr Alejandro Jimenez Rodriguez
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Winning Post, York – Are We Truman? The Mind on Stage
‘The Pleasures of Perception’ – Dr. Jonathan Flavell
‘Big Brother is watching but is he really seeing? – Identification from CCTV’ – Dr. Mila Mileva
‘The science of mind reading’ – Dr. Sam Berens
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Tetley, Leeds – The Artificial Mind
‘Artificial Superintelligence: reality, possibility, or religion?’ – Michael Cannon
‘The Future of AI’ – Professor David Hogg
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:00 - 21:30, The Bath Hotel, Sheffield – Is it all in the mind?
‘Psychosomatic: the mind-body connection’ – Dr Isobel Williams
'Does society cause mental illness?' - Professor Richard Bentall
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Tetley, Leeds – The Criminal Mind
‘I just lost it! Violence, violent crime and what makes violent criminals different’ – Professor Mitch Waterman
‘Psychopathy: a look into the minds of murderers’ – Megan Sharp
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00 - 21:30, The Bath Hotel, Sheffield – It's not personal, it's personality
‘The best recipe for tackling aggression’ – Laura Castillo-Eito
'A perfect storm? Perfectionism as risk or resilience' - Dr Fuschia Sirois
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Winning Post, York – Social Norms: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
‘Everybody’s doing it! How social pressure makes us helpful, and human’ – Dr. Bailey House
‘Selfie-Objectification: Beauty, Sex and Instagram’ – Dr. Beth Bell
‘'Just following orders?'’ – Dr. Stephen Gibson
- 19:30 - 21:30, The Tetley, Leeds – The Healthy Mind
‘Masculinity and male mental health: problems and possibilities’ – Professor Brendan Gough
'Mindfulness – mad to be into it or mad to be out of it?' - Dr Siobhan Hugh-Jones
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East of England
Monday - 20th May
- 19:00 - 21:30, Thirsty Cambridge, Cambridge – Same drug, different story: repurposing drugs in mental health
‘Mental health disorders - anyone for aspirin?’ – Professor Peter Jones
‘Forget me not: new ways to improve memory problems in depression’ – Dr Muzaffer Kaser
‘Ketamine: a useful antidepressant or another epidemic in the making?’ – Professor Rupert McShane
‘Creative Reactions’ – Alan Rogerson, Malgosia Benham
- 19:30 - 21:30, Last Pub Standing, Norwich – Autism, The Brain, & The Blame Game
‘Finding The Rain Man In Each Of Us’ – Dr Teea Glia
‘Moral judgments: What makes us think something’s right or wrong?’ – Dr Gavin Nobes
- 19:30 - 22:00, V-Bar, Colchester – Culture Shock: Adapting to the Unknown
‘Humans as Animals: How we try to Study Human Behaviour from an Evolutionary Framework’ – Dr Rick O'Gorman
‘The Search for Meaning, In the Light of Death’ – Dr Philip Cozzolino
- 19:30 - 22:00, Three Wise Monkeys, Colchester – The Alternative Story of Mind and Body
‘Rose Tinted Glasses: The Role of Interpretation Bias in Anxiety’ – Dr Séraphine Clarke
‘Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed’ – Dr Matt Lodder
Tuesday - 21st May
- 19:00 - 21:30, Thirsty Cambridge, Cambridge – Did I decide this? How social media influences our lives
‘The half-life of human altruism’ – Dr Sander Van der Linden
‘Did you just say Bot?!?’ – Dr Zafar Gilani
‘Big Data or Big Brother? The ethics of big data psychometrics' – Dr David Stillwell
- 19:30 - 21:30, Last Pub Standing, Norwich – Senses & Sensibility
‘Pupillometry: A Window into the Mind’s Eye’ – Dr Irene Sperandio
‘Your multisensory brain – feel what you hear and hear what you see’ – Kerri Bailey
- 19:30 - 22:00, V-Bar, Colchester – Computers: Science of the Future
‘Therapy Generation for Alzheimer’s Sufferers’ – Dr Faiyaz Doctor
‘Coral Reef Conservation with 3D Technology’ – Dr Jon Chamberlain
‘Enterprise Search: a World beyond Web Search’ – Professor Udo Kruschwitz
Wednesday - 22nd May
- 19:00 - 21:00, St Andrew's Brewhouse, Norwich – Sleep, navigation and dementia
‘Spatial navigation in dementia - are we there yet?' – Professor Michael Hornberger
‘Does slumber really matter? The role of sleep in dementia’ – Dr Alpar Lazar
- 19:00 - 21:30, Thirsty Cambridge, Cambridge – Forget what you know about memory
‘What did you just say? Why short term memory is important for classroom learning’ – Dr Joni Holmes
‘The mysterious life of memories: how our long-term memory functions and changes’ – Dr Andrea Greve
‘The bright life of forgetting’ – Dr Maite Crespo-Garcia
‘Creative Reactions’ – Linda Bartlett, Loreto Valenzuela and Nick Tischler
- 19:30 - 21:30, Last Pub Standing, Norwich – Wanting To Be Normal, Reasonable, & Angry!
‘Biased perceptions of social attitudes and the brain: why do we project our own opinions on to others?’ – Dr Locke Welborn
‘What Are Emotions & How Can We Influence Them?’ – Dr Daniel Ravenpor
- 19:30 - 22:00, V-Bar, Colchester – Habits of Highly Memorable People
‘Science of Habits’ – Professor Sheina Orbell
‘Like a Fine Wine: The Science of Successful Ageing’ – Dr Vanessa Loaiza
- 19:30 - 22:00, Three Wise Monkeys, Colchester – Time to Change Your Body, or Perception?
‘Women’s Everyday Health in Britain, c. 1960-1980’ – Dr Tracey Loughran
‘Fast Thumbs but Slower Than Mum’ – Dr Gavin Sandercock
‘Bodies in the Mirror. Bodies in the Brain’ – Dr Katie Groves
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