'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
Please note that all sponsorship requests must come via the Local Groups Funding Scheme, which must be applied to by your institution's Local Groups Representative (LGR). If your institution does not currently have an LGR and you are interested in taking on the role, please contact the BNA office to express interest.
The aims of the funding scheme are to enable Local Groups (LGs) to benefit their members, resolve issues affecting their members, and to recruit and engage new members. All proposed uses for the funding must be able to demonstrate how they will achieve these aims. Creative ideas for activities that fulfil the Objects of the BNA and engage with as many people as possible are looked on favourably.
Such activities can include but are not restricted to:
*Any application for supporting seminars should also include how the activity will directly benefit BNA members and have impact beyond those attending e.g. via live-streaming, associated public engagement event, etc. There should be strong justification for requests that fund purely a stand-alone seminar or seminar series.
Other key pieces of information:
Costs that can be supported include but are not limited to:
Costs that cannot be supported include:
All proposals must be in line with the BNA’s Equality and Diversity Policy, which can be summarised as a commitment towards equal opportunities, non-discriminatory procedures and practices, with no biases of any kind related to age, background, ethnic origin, education, socioeconomics, personal situation, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, or any combination of these. For example, all-male speaker lists will be rejected automatically as a matter of policy.
All applications must include an outline budget.
Applications are selected on a competitive process. They are judged on quality and the extent to which they are deemed to meet the aims of the funding scheme (see above), and their success or amount of funding is not influenced by the size of the Local Group (either in terms of institution or number of BNA members). It is unlikely that all applications will be successful.
Submissions are reviewed by a sub-committee composed of members of the BNA Council and Executive. The sub-committee is chaired by the Local Groups Coordinator, and includes two further members of the Council or Committee (typically the Treasurer and the Education and Engagement Representative) as well as the Membership and Communities Manager.
On completion of the project on which funding has been used, successful applicants must provide two short reports (see below) on the project. This helps publicise the activities of Local Groups, promote the funding scheme, and also to reduce the energy barriers for other Local Groups organising similar projects. Failure to provide the two reports will have a bearing on future decisions to support applications submitted by the Local Group.
The two reports required are:
Reports, in whole or in part, may be published in the BNA's print or online publications.