'Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving' a Book Review by Brenda Walker
25th February 2025
The Primary Conference session, delivered by the BNA to 60, year 6 pupils (aged 9-10) used various sections from the following primary topics: brain anatomy, neurons, neuronal communication and the nervous system. The aim of this session was to introduce young students to the brain and neuroscience in general.
This session was approx. 1 hour long.
Activities: Make a pipe cleaner neuron (from the primary neurons topic), Ulnar nerve stimulator (this activity was not taken from an exisitng topic, please feel free to carry out activities using materials and equipment that is available to you), Neuron race (from the primary neuronal communication topic)
Please click here to download the PowerPoint presentation used.
Please note:
Thank you to the University of Bristol, and their Life Sciences Outreach Team for inviting us to deliver the session.